Kaunuku Hub Blog

Week 3 Notices

Here we are at the end of Week 3. This week has been very busy.

We are learning about bacteria and all the language associated with this. Our instructional writing is going well. If you are doing any baking over the weekend, this is an ideal learning opportunity for your children to help. Next week the children are going to start writing an instructional book of their own choice.

Next week is a short week. There is a Teacher Only day on Thursday and Canterbury Anniversary Day (minus The Christchurch A & P Show) on Friday. This means school is closed both days.

We have a request for a photo. We can’t tell you too much information without ruining the surprise. Can everyone please send a photo of your child with family (who live elsewhere in the world or in New Zealand), or a friend (friends) that they haven’t seen much due to Covid restrictions. Sorry, that’s all we can say! Can everyone please email their photo to their Ako teacher by Friday 19 November. The children also don’t know so please keep it a secret.

Next week is the last week we have our student teachers with us. It has been great to have Tanith and Melissa in the classroom and we will miss the extra adults in our learning space!

This week we took any lost property from our classroom to the main lost property in the office. Named items were returned to children.

We are still after random items for our play based learning. If you have any old technology (e.g video player, cameras), ropes, pulleys and anything else which will lead to interesting play, we want it! If you are not sure if it is suitable, please send Deb an email with a photo of what you have. She will give you a ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Water bottles

Please remember that your child needs to bring a water bottle to school every day, as the water fountains are closed during level 2.

Calendar Art

Make sure you order your calendar art.

** Upcoming dates for your diary **

Thursday 11 November - Teacher Only Day (school closed)

Friday 12 November - Canterbury Anniversary Day (school closed)

Thursday 2 December - Junior Y 1-4 Run Jump Throw Athletics

Tuesday 7 December - Celebration of learning 2-3pm

Monday 13 December - Transition morning

Thursday 16 December - Last day of term (lunchtime finish)

Term 4 - Areas of Learning

P.E - Athletics/ running, jumping and throwing

Maths - Multiplication & Division

Writing - Recounts & instructional writing

Inquiry - Storytelling: focus on names and how they tell stories (school names, place names, personal names)

Reading - Monday - Thursday

Science - Growing bacteria

Visual Arts - Class mural

Have a lovely long weekend,

Leonie, Chloe and Deb.