Hikuwai 4-5-6 Blog

Fortnightly Notices

Term 2 Week 9 / 10 notices

As we enter our last week of term, we would like to thank you all for your support getting the students to school early for Winter sport, thank you to those of you who have helped on trips and also with transport for various events. We have had a wonderful term of learning and look forward to this last week with the Kapa Haka festival, Epro 8 competition and then the highlight in most families' calendars - our Matariki celebration. Students reports will be published throughout this week and we look forward to seeing many of you on Friday evening.

Non uniform day 

This coming Friday 5th July, come dressed in Matariki theme (come as a star). This is a gold coin donation, money goes towards the Year 8 camp. 

Matariki Celebration
Te Hapori Tautoko is excited to bring you a Matariki Celebration on Friday 5 July 2024.
This whānau information booklet linked here provides you with all of the information you need to know and ways you can support! It is set to be a wonderful evening and a highlight in the calendar for many. 

Hot Chocolate Thursdays
This is every Thursday morning from 8.30am. Please purchase on Kindo as there will be no cash sales. Children must bring their own cup and drink this in the hall. Thank you for your support with this and raising funds for the Year 8 camp.

Monday 22 July; first day of term 3.

Please refer to the school newsletter and the website for further information and dates.

Hikuwai 4-5-6 T1 Calendar 2024

This will be updated as the term progresses

NOTE: we have been informed that piccollage now costs. Please do not purchase this, we will no longer use this app. 

Term 2 Week 7 / 8 Notices

It was awesome to see so many of you at Learning Conversations this week. We really value the time to connect and talk to you all. If you missed making a booking, please get in touch with your child's ako teacher.

Good luck to all our student who have signed up to the soccer and hockey tournaments this coming Tuesday.

Coming up :

Please refer to the school newsletter and the website for further information and dates.

Term 2 Week 5/6 notices

Term 2  Week 3/4 notices

Cross Country
As you will have heard our Cross Country event has been rescheduled to Wednesday 22nd May - we have walked the course which starts in the school grounds and continues out the front gate, along the LII stream walkway, around the duck ponds on Jimmy Adams Drive to the wetlands bridge where there is a white post that is the halfway mark - runners will then return across the bridge and along Jimmy Adams Drive following the same course in reverse.  We still need a few more marshalls for the course. Please contact your child's ako teacher if you are available to help.

Matariki Celebration
Te Hapori Tautoko is excited to bring you a Matariki Celebration on Friday 5 July 2024.
The whānau information booklet linked here provides you with all of the information you need to know and ways you can support! It is set to be a wonderful evening and a highlight in the calendar for many. 

Library day has moved to Friday mornings for the remainder of this term - books are issued for two weeks.

Hot Chocolate Thursdays
This is every Thursday morning from 8.30am. Please purchase on Kindo as there will be no cash sales. Children must bring their own cup and drink this in the hall. We suggest a cup with a lid. Please do not come to the class/hapori with hot chocolate as we do not want spilt drinks. Your child will be asked to go back to the hall to drink this. Please enclose a container to put the cup in once finished. Thank you for your support with this. 

Hot Dog Friday - 14 June
Te Hapori Tautoko is providing a Hot Dog Day on Friday 14 June. Orders can be made via KINDO and close on Tuesday 11 June. At $3 each, these will make a yummy hot lunch!

Term 2 Week 1 / 2 

Term 2    Week 1 /2  Notices:

Ararira Cross Country event - new date

Our Ararira Springs Cross Country event will now be held on Wednesday 22nd May from 1:30 pm until 3pm.  We will need volunteers as the course will be different this year and marshalls are required to stand along the route.  If you are able to help please contact Whaea Meeghan as soon as possible. Meegan.coetzee@ararira.school.nz 

Hikuwai 4-6 will be walking the course on the afternoon of Friday 17th May.

Pink Shirt Day  Friday 17th May: 

Pink Shirt Day (gold coin donation to The Mental Health Foundation). Tamariki may wear their school uniform or something pink. The focus this year is 'Being an upstander'. More information can be found here.  

Parent help needed for Marae Trip s -  Y6s Term 2

This term , our Year 6 students will be visiting Ngati Moki Marae at Taumutu to learn about and engage with our local marae and cultural history. We will need a small amount of parent help for this.

We will be departing school at 9.20 am and returning by 3:00 pm for each of these trips. Costs for this trip are being covered by the term activity fee.

If you are interested in helping you will be expected to share your pepeha but we are able to support you with this. This trip will only be possible with the help of whanau. If you are able to come along as a parent helper please contact  your child's ako teacher.

Dates for trip:

Hikuwai 4 Y6s - Mon 6th May ( enough help)

Hikuwai 5 ( Whaea Sam) Y6's - Tues 21st May

Hikuwai 6 (Whaea Em) Y6's - Monday 20th May

Term 2 Focus

Literacy - 

Comprehending and creating texts

On a Wednesday and Thursday students have opted into 1 of the following sessions for the term:

*Wonder Project Rocket Challenge- see the flier opposite for more information. We will need a supply of 1.5 litre soft drink bottles for our rockets so please start collecting :)

*The Fantasy Project - students design and create their own world and characters for an adventure story which they will then write.

*The Adventure Project - students will design and write a collaborative pick your path story


We will focus on our number knowledge , developing our understanding of adding and subtracting whole numbers and decimals. We have a four week focus on fractions which will include percentages and decimals. We will also be focussing on measurement through reading and understanding measurement tools and scales. This will include units of time and solving duration of time problems. We will also be learning how to describe and understand angles.


Using the whole school topic of MOVEMENT, we are focussing on the following question  - How does the migration of people or animals shape our world?

This term we will be learning about early migrations in the context of New Zealand and then relate that back to stories from our own whānau. Watch out for more information coming soon about our Arts show later on in the term.

Week 10 & 11

Week 10/11  Notices

Parent help needed for Marae Trip  -  Y6s Term 2

Next term, our Year 6 students will be visiting Ngati Moki Marae at Taumutu to learn about and engage with our local marae and cultural history. We will need a small amount of parent help for this.

We will be departing school at 9.20 am and returning by 3:00 pm for each of these trips. Costs for this trip are being covered by the term activity fee.

If you are interested in helping you will be expected to share your pepeha but we are able to support you with this. This trip will only be possible with the help of whanau. If you are able to come along as a parent helper please contact  your child's ako teacher.

Dates for trip:

Hikuwai 4 ( Whaea Louise) Y6s - Mon 6th May

Hikuwai 5 ( Whaea Sam) Y6's - Tues 21st May

Hikuwai 6 (Whaea Em) Y6's - Monday 20th May


This week , your child will bring home their pepeha that they have been working on in class. Please help us by filling in any blanks such as iwi or how your family came to New Zealand. We will be practising our pepeha in order to share them when we visit the Marae so some extra practise at home would be helpful:)

    Safe Touch

We have  had a chat to our classes this week about safe and appropriate touch. We have talked about how we can keep our games appropriate. 

    Holiday Fun 

 The last weekend of the school break is the 

international City Nature Challenge where the world competes to make nature observations     and we want to beat Wellington!!!!!!!!!


Lincoln Envirotown are running an epic discovery session down at the Mahoe Reserve on Sunday 28th April, 2-4PM.

Details at https://events.humanitix.com/mahoe-blitz-24

Term 2 - Friday 17th May: Pink Shirt Day (gold coin donation to The Mental Health Foundation). Tamariki may wear their school uniform or something pink. The focus this year is 'Being an upstander'. More information can be found here.  


Please could all students bring in a pair of headphones to support our learning in class . We regularly use audio stories, audio instructions and instructional videos as part of our lessons.

Week 7 & 8

EPIC reading

Each ako class has their own log in. Epic is free 7am - 3pm on school days. Subscriptions are available for home use via the Epic reading site.

Hk4: xbs1331 

Hk5: lnt4761

Hk6: txi6955


For safety reasons, we expect that all students will wear a flouro safety vest to and from school. Vests can be purchased from The Warehouse.


Monday and Tuesday are public holidays for schools. We will see you back at school on Wednesday 3rd April. 


Please could all students bring in a pair of headphones to support our learning in class . We regularly use audio stories, audio instructions and instructional videos as part of our lessons.


Postponed due to weather - new date is Friday 5th April. If you are still able to help or are now able to help please email your child's ako teacher. 

A massive thank you to all the parents and grandparents who had offered to help today. We really appreciate it. 

Week 5 & 6

iBike - Year 5 ONLY

It is finally here! Please check the timetable below to see which day your child will need to bring their bike and helmet. Thank you to the parents who have let me know their child doesn't have a bike, Selwyn Sports will bring bikes for them. 

 A bike in good working order. It would be helpful to do a simple bike check of things like  brakes, tyre pressure, wheels spinning freely and light oil on chain. 

Children will need to be in their school uniform. Please make sure they have a jumper/jacket in case the weather is cool. 

Kindness Lesson

We have been working as ako classes on the caring value. We did a lesson today where we shared hurtful words and folded a piece of paper every time a hurtful thing was shared. We tried smoothing out the paper at the end but we couldn't get it to look as new, signifying how hurt can stay with us.

Week 3 & 4

Please check under the camp tab for packing list, timetable etc


MEDICATIONS - All meds for camp need to be given to Sam by Monday 19th at 4:30pm. This is to ensure Sam fully understands your child's medical needs and is able to create a timetable to make sure everyone recieves the correct medication at the correct time. NO MEDICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED THE MORNING WE DEPART UNLESS AN EMAIL WITH INSTRUCTIONS HAS BEEN SENT PRIOR.

Thank you to everyone who has bought in their child's medication or emailed instructions. It is much appreciated.

DEPARTURE - We will meet in the hall on Wednesday at 8.30am. Students will register with their class teacher and with parent help, load their bag onto the bus. We will depart school around 9.15am. We aim to be back at school on Friday by 3pm.

**No baking or extra fruit is needed as the camp is fully catered. Your child just needs to bring a packed lunch and full drink bottle for the first day**


Glue sticks -  These were mysteriously missed off the stationery order. Please could you supply one  - thank you :) 


This event is for Year 5 only. If you have not yet filled out the form please use this link to give your child permission. As soon as everyone has filled out the form this timetable will become available. 


All class have the library on Wednesday this term. 


It was wonderful to see so many of you at our hapori picnic, we all enjoyed the opportunity to talk about what our school year will look like. 

Also a big thank you for supporting your child to bring their hat and safety vest to school. We have had all hats most days this year!

Week 1 & 2

Week one is done! We have loved getting back into the swing of things and hearing about everyone's wonderful holidays. Read on for updates and information. 





Music Lessons



Coming Up This Week

Preterm 1

Welcome to school for 2024! We are all so excited to get started and have lots of great learning opportunities and experiences planned for Term 1. 

Louise - Hikuwai 4 - Team Leader 

Sam - Hikuwai 5

Em - Hikuwai 6