Hk 6 

Whaea Em

Week 3 & 4 Term two

We have had a very rainy past couple of weeks but that did not hold us back from having some fun. 

In literacy we have continued with our project classes. In the choose your own adventure class with Whaea Em., we have almost completed our draft pieces of our writing, we are very excited to begin publishing our work next week! In our ako class, we have spent time learning how to upgrade some of our verbs to make our writing more interesting. Our favourite part was when we got to make actions with our faces to match the verbs. 

In maths we are continuing on with our work around fractions. We have been learning what an equivalent fraction is and how to find an equivalent fraction. 

For inquiry, we have began to learn about waka and how Mãori used waka to come to New Zealand. 

Our trip to the Marae was a success! Some of us were nervous for saying our mihi's in front of people but are proud we gave it a go! Our favourite part was going for the walk and seeing the different native trees and the Hone Wetere Church. 

Week 1-2 Term Two

We have started our first two weeks with plenty of exciting activities and more to come! 

In literacy we got to pick from three different groups what sort of writing we wanted to do. In Whaea Em's class, we focused on choose your own adventure where we create stories with multiple endings. We are working in groups of four and have just finished the planning process! Next week we begin writing the stories. - We had a class discussion about what we have found most difficult and everyone agreed it was working as a team communicating and compromising with different ideas! 

In maths, we have carried on our journey learning about fractions. We have spent time having some pre testing and reminders about stuff we learnt last year and now are moving on to adding fractions with whole numbers. 

For inquiry, we have continued our topic about migration learning some interesting fact during reading. One thing that stood out to many of us was that cats migrate, we all thought they only wanted to stay in their territories at home! 

Our mihi's were due in by the end of this week as we have been working on them during class time. We now need plenty of practice saying them in preparation for our marae trip in week four! Whaea Em has encouraged us to practise in our own time as well as in the classroom so that way we will feel more confident saying them in front of people.  

For P.E we have been preparing ourselves for cross country on Wednesday 22nd May. We have been doing a variety of fitness games as well as some team building runs to get our heart rates up and to teach us about pacing ourselves on long runs! Our favourite activity so far has been UNO card fitness! 

Today we had a busy lunchtime where we had the option to come in and make own our crafts with paper, there were a lot of special cards being made!

A friendly reminder that we frequently use devices during school time. Please remember to have the devices charged the night before otherwise they cannot be used during the lesson if needed! If you have headphones at home, it would be helpful as we have activities that require headphones for listening. 

Week 1 - Term 1

We made it through the first week of the year!

This is some of the fun things we got up to:

Learning about class Banqer - Financial literacy where HK6 will get paid "money" to for jobs and will learn how to manage it!

Math battle ships

Zentangle hand art

We began writing about our favourite things.

And lots of getting to know each other activities. 

Week 2 - Term 1

Here in HK6 we have had a busy four days beginning to get into our routines! 

We have started reading a book called Wonder which is about a ten year old boy with a unusual looking face (due to surgeries) and how he is starting school. This book links in with one of our themes for this term working on "kindness".  

For math, we began with word problems involving money - this links to our financial literacy programme Banqer which we also started this week! We also looked at how to make paper bags for our ketes and then had one of our own students in the class teach everyone else for the one that will be going on the wall! 

We began some group fitness in the hall with all the year 5 and 6 students and then asked questions for school camp!  We also worked on our self portraits and zentangle art!  

Next week Whaea Em will be away however, HK6 is lucky enough to have Whaea Megan and Whaea Leonie in our classroom! 

Week 5 - Term 1

We have had a busy and tiring week getting back into the swing of things after Whaea Em being away and then school camp last week! 

This week, we have started off with creating a class newspaper about school camp! Each student was introduced to a variety of different texts, they got the opportunity to pick which one they liked the most and then had mini workshops writing and began contributing to the camp newspaper! 

For maths, we learnt about graphs and did some peer problem solving where the students would explain to the class how they solved the problem.  We now have our jobs set up for Banqer! Everyone is VERY excited to start gaining a regular income for their chosen job and so far everyone has been doing their jobs without Whaea Em having to remind them! (yay!!). 

We spent an afternoon doing an activity where we made paper helicopters. We took them outside and recorded how long it took to drop to the ground and then made physical changes to the helicopter and predicted if they would have a faster time or a slower time and then retested them out. Everyone made different physical changes which made sharing back interesting! 

We had a lesson today about how our words affect other people and that even when we apologise, that doesn't mean that the person who was hurt will forget. This lead to conversations about the types of people we want to be. We also had discussions about how to stop ourselves from saying mean things in the heat of the moment. 

Next week, we will be practising using communication when out on the playground: If we are feeling annoyed, tell the person that we are beginning to feel like we are going to say something mean and need to take a walk alone to cool off. If they follow us, we then tell a duty teacher. - This applies to the classroom too.  

We also want to congratulate Cian for completing the weetbix tryathlon last weekend! He received a certificate at Hui today. - Cian great mahi, you rock!

Week 6 - Term 1

We have had a great week this week in HK6! We have been working hard on our camp newspaper articles and we are finally onto publishing! Next week we should hopefully have it completed! We were lucky enough to have a whole day with Whaea Annabelle, Whaea Andrea and Whaea Megan! We spent the day doing a block of science, a block of art and a block of drama. We have started learning about ocean life and taking part in an ocean challenge where we pick up and record rubbish. We have also been learning about different marine life. During English, we have started practising our note taking skills. To end the week, we made origami leap frogs. Some of us chose to race them in a race track Whaea Em made out of tissue boxes. In third place was Hunter, second place Eglantine and in first place……… Casey and Lucy!!!! The year fives spent the afternoon out on ibike. We then finished the day meeting up with our buddy class for the first time. We let our buddies read to us and then we found some picture books to read to them. 

Our highs for the week: Buddy reading, i bike, STEAM (leap frogs) and getting hot chocolates on Tuesday morning. 

Our lows: We had a rainy icey day this week, reminding us summer is now over!! :(

Week 8 - Term 1

We have made it to week 8 yay! This week we have been very busy working on recout writing, our goals are to add in more description and time connectives in our writing! For math we have been working on statistics and practising quick recall of our timetables and we have spent our  inquiry learning about migration under the sea! We have officially finished our camp news paper and are excited to share it with everyone! Have a great easter and we look forward to coming back on Wednesday next week! :) 

If you want to check out our newspaper click the link here: