Magna Verba

A Collection of Student Academic Writing at Aquinas College

Magna Verba

Latin: “great words”

We must love them both, those whose opinions we share and those whose opinions we reject, 

for both have labored in the search for truth, and both have helped us in finding it. -Thomas Aquinas

Created by members of the Aquinas College Writing Center, Magna Verba is an annual publication that showcases academic writing composed by students in classes at Aquinas College. This publication is evidence that critical thinking and analytical writing are valued at Aquinas College; we aim to display our student commitment to the pillars of community and study. Magna Verba strives to be as interdisciplinary as possible and encourages submissions from across disciplines.

Interested in submitting to Magna Verba?

Aquinas College Writing Center

1700 Fulton St. E.

Grand Rapids, MI 49506

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