Aquinas College IT Student Guidance

Students are subject to the same acceptable use policy as other network users (see separate page) . This page is meant as a more concise guide covering the main points as they refer to student usage

Students are responsible for their actions, conduct and behaviour whilst using college computer equipment in the same way that they are responsible during classes or at break time. Use of technology should be safe, responsible and lawful

Aquinas College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students at the College. As part of our safeguarding policy we expect Students to follow the protocols within this document

Policy for using college computer equipment

· Be aware that your treatment of college computer services is supervised, and your screen can be captured at any point

· You must not use college equipment to undertake any form of Cyber bullying including making abusive comments, sharing pictures, videos or personal information without the consent of the owner, creating or posting on websites to make fun or spread malicious rumours about someone or blackmailing individuals for any purpose

· Do not eat in computer areas

· Leave areas tidy when you leave

· Do not change any of the system settings

· Report any faults to a member of staff

· Do not install any software

· Do not make copies of any software, music or video files downloaded from the Internet

Policy for using the Internet and Email in college

For your own protection and that of others, your use of e-mail and of the internet will be monitored by the College

· Use the Internet to search for and access materials that are linked to your studies

· Occasional personal, social or non-educational use of the internet and email is tolerated in LRC’s and other common areas subject to the availability of resources, priority is given to students undertaking work as part of their studies

· The Internet must not be used for:

o Downloading illegal, offensive or obscene material

o Downloading or accessing materials that infringe personal liberties or promote extreme political views or radicalisation

o Creating websites that are obscene, defamatory, infringe copyright, infringe personal liberties or promote extreme political views or radicalisation

o Creating commercial websites

o Downloading program files, including gaming software or media files (unless this is part of your studies and your tutor has given consent)

o The downloading of any form of ‘virus’ software

· You must not send any offensive messages by email

· The college is not responsible for what you send in emails, and can pass on your details to a suitable authority if anyone complains about an email you have sent

Policy for using the college’s network systems

· Do not log on to anyone else’s account, access their files / emails, or destroy, copy, alter or move anyone else’s files

· Only access your own folder on the network or within Office 365

· Do not change any access rights to folders on computers or network areas

Tablets and other electronic equipment protocol

Electronic equipment such as Tablet computers, laptops, iPads, MP3 players are brought onto College premises entirely at the risk of the student. You are free to use the guest wireless access under the same conditions as the main system. Inappropriate use of such equipment will dealt with in accordance with this policy

Agreeing to this policy

· It is important that you understand your responsibilities, so if you are ever unsure about what is allowed always ask a member of staff

Abusing the college’s computer services can result in disciplinary action including losing your rights to access the college systems and in some circumstances the passing on of your details to a suitable authority