Academic Accommodations

IMPORTANT: Students are required to renew academic accommodations each semester. ADR will send registered students a Session Request for Accommodations (SRA form) which can be filled out prior to or at any time during the semester.

To request an adjustment to your existing accommodations, including a new request for accommodations, email ADR at: to request an appointment. Be sure to provide a brief summary of the changes you would like to discuss. Note, you may request an adjustment at anytime during the semester.

The list below is not exhaustive. If you have a question about an accommodation not found below, email ADR at:

Renewing Accommodations Each Semester

After you have been approved for accommodations, you do not need to re-apply each semester. However, you will need to "renew" your accommodations each semester using the form below. Accommodation memos are only sent out for active or renewed accommodations. It is recommended that these forms are submitted before each semester begins, however you can submit them at any point during the semester. Please keep in mind the accommodations are not retroactive, therefore, your accommodations are only considered active for the semester beginning the day that your accommodation memo is sent. Below you will find the list of renewal forms:

Undergraduate Renewal Forms

Graduate and Professional Renewal Forms

Testing Accommodations for Remote Classes

Remote Proctoring

Remote Proctoring is determined by ADR and is reflected in your accommodations memo. If you'd like to utilize remote proctoring, follow the steps below:

If there are any other special circumstances please email if you would like to review your accommodations.

All exams must be scheduled 3 BUSINESS (week) days in advance. Your request may be denied if you schedule in less than 3 business days.

  • After talking to your professor and setting up a date and time for your exam, fill out the APU Exam Scheduling Form

  • When your exam is approved, you will receive an email and a Google even invite for the day and time of your exam. This Google invite will include the Zoom link for your exam.

  • You may use any and all approved testing accommodations in your ADR accommodation memo.

  • Readers and scribes will be available for students who have ADR approval for this accommodation.

  • Once you schedule your exam, your instructor will receive an email from the Testing Center with the schedule confirmation, and a request for any exam instructions.

Extended Time

Extended time is determined by ADR and is reflected in your accommodations memo. Extended time can be granted to you via Canvas for your remote exams and quizzes. In the event your professor states that they do not know how to extend your testing time in Canvas, you can refer them to Canvas Tutorials for specific instructions on extending time in Canvas.

If your exam/quiz is administered during class by your professor and you cannot utilize your approved accommodation of extended time, please email


ADR staff will scribe exams through Zoom. Zoom has a screen share and remote access feature that we can use. If you would like to utilize a scribe in this way, please email We will schedule a Zoom meeting before the date of your exam, to ensure this is the right option for you and for you to familiarize yourself with Zoom features prior to the exam.


ADR staff will read your exams out loud through Zoom. Zoom has a screen share feature that we can use. If you would like to utilize a reader in this way, please email We will schedule a Zoom meeting before the date of your exam, to ensure this is the right option for you and for you to familiarize yourself with Zoom features prior to the exam.

Testing Accommodations for In-Person Classes

How to Schedule Your Exam at the Testing Center

All exams must be scheduled 3 BUSINESS (week) days in advance. Your request may be denied if you schedule in less than 3 business days.

  • After talking to your professor and setting up a date and time for your exam, fill out the APU Exam Scheduling Form

  • During this time and until further notice, the testing schedule will be limited to designated Testing Center dates and times (TBD). Students can only choose a date and time that falls within the Testing Center’s limited schedule and hours of operation.

  • You may use any and all approved testing accommodations in your ADR accommodation memo.

      • Readers and scribes will be available for students who have ADR approval for this accommodation.

  • Once you schedule your exam, your instructor will receive an email from the Testing Center with the schedule confirmation, and a request to send the exam with the time limit and any exam instructions.

  • Once an exam is completed, Testing Center staff will hand-deliver or scan and email the exam to the appropriate department.

Please read our Student Guidelines for Testing Accommodations before coming into the Testing Center for the first time.

The Testing Center can be contacted at or 626-815-3849. They are located on the east campus, building 35 near Adams Hall.

Notetaking Accommodations

Transcription Application for In-Person and Remote Classes

ADR has transitioned from peer notetakers to the transcription application Otter is a speech to text transcription application. It can generate rich notes for meetings, interviews, lectures, and other important voice conversations. You can also use Otter to record and transcribe any video or audio playing on your computer.

To request the use of Otter for note taking, please submit the Otter Request Form. You can learn more about Otter and other notetaking apps on our Notetaking Apps page. On the website you can also learn more about how Otter transforms remote learning, and how how students are using Otter.

If you have been approved for note taking services and feel that Otter will not meet your needs, please send an email to

In-Person Classes

If Otter will not meet your needs and you are approved for a peer notetaker, the student may submit a Notetaker Request Form to the ADR staff. Upon receiving the request, ADR staff may first locate a volunteer notetaker within the student’s class(es) by asking the professor to send an email to the class roster which reads:

Dear students,

There has been a request for two note-takers in this class. A student with approved accommodations from Accessibility and Disability Resources (ADR) would love to receive a copy of the notes you are taking in class. The ADR is looking for a primary note-taker as well as a secondary note-taker in case the first note-taker is absent from class. Notes will be submitted in whichever form works best for you such as Microsoft Word, a shared Google Doc, or simply sending an email with a high quality scanned photo of your hand-written notes.

If you are interested, please email letting them know you would like to be a note-taker for this course (please specify course code and professor name in your email). After that, an ADR staff member will be contacting you with the next steps.

Thank you!

If ADR staff are unable to find a volunteer notetaker, they will assign a student worker to fulfill the notetaker role or direct you to online transcription software/assistive technology.

Requesting Alternative Text

How to Request Alternative Textbooks

Alternative Textbooks are approved by ADR on an individual basis and are reflected in your accommodations memo. Once approved, ADR will set up a Bookshare account for you to access your textbooks in your preferred format.

If your textbook cannot be found on Bookshare, you will need to submit the Alternative Text Request Form with proof of purchase of the textbook . You will be asked to upload your receipts. You can scan physical receipts using a scanner app on your phone or you can take a picture. APU works with Access Text and individual publishers for hard to find items.

Recording Class Lectures

You must be approved to record class lectures as an accommodation. Below are several options on how to record. Students are not allowed to record class conversations of a personal or clinical nature.


You can use your phone, tablet, or computer to audio record your classroom lectures. Below are resources you can use for audio recording lectures.


Due to privacy laws, students are not allowed to video record certain portions of their class. Video recording of class lectures will be determined on an individual and limited basis. To request to video record your lecture, contact

Assistive Technology

If you have been approved for assistive technology (AT) or assistive technology software, contact Daniela Cruz Gomez, Accommodations Specialist, at: to schedule an appointment to arrange receipt of the AT. At your appointment, you will be given an introduction to the technology, training resources, and asked to complete the Check In/Check Out Assistive Technology Form. Kaylin will check in with you via phone or email about two weeks later to assess how the technology is working for you. You may be asked to return the technology at the end of the semester. You will return the technology to the ADR office and be asked to complete the Check In/Check Out Assistive Technology Form. After your technology is returned, you will be notified of any charges (due to damage or loss of device).

You may also take a look at our page on Assistive Technology

ASL Interpreters and CART Services

If you have been approved to have ASL interpreters or CART services in your classes, please complete the ASL Interpreter/CART Services Request Form as soon as possible for each semester that you would like to utilize these services. Please place your request at least two weeks before your classes begin in order to allow ADR staff ample time to arrange services.

Priority Registration

Beginning Spring 2022 all undergraduate students, with the exception of first semester students, will receive priority registration. Priority registration allows students to arrange their classes based on their disability related needs. Graduate students will not be placed on the priority registration list and will work directly with their academic departments for registration.

Extended Time on Assignments

If you are approved for Extended Time on Assignments, be sure to provide your instructors with prior notice when you intend on utilizing this accommodation. Note, extended time on assignments does not apply to discussion boards in the remote learning environment, unless specifically reflected in your accommodation memo.

Additional Absences/Flexible Attendance

If you are approved for Additional Absences/Flexible Attendance, be sure to communicate with your professor and classmates to obtain any missed content and/or assignments. Also, be sure you and your professor have agreed to a deadline in which to make-up any missed assignments, quizzes, and exams as a result of your absence. Note - extended time on assignments is determined on an individual basis through an interactive process with the student and the instructor when necessary,

Classroom Breaks

In-Person Class

Breaks during in-person classes should be taken at the back of the class, at least 6-8ft. away from students in the class. You may also take your breaks outside of class. You are encouraged to approach the instructor or a fellow student about any missed content due to leaving the class for a brief time.

Remote Class

You may sit/stand and take breaks as needed during your remote classes, quizzes, and exams as specified in your accommodation memo. Your accommodation memo will reflect the environment(s) in which you may utilize this accommodation. You may want to turn your camera off and mute the sound when doing so to avoid interrupting the class.

Food Breaks

In-Person Class

If you have approved accommodations to eat/snack during class, you may take your food break at the back of the classroom, at least 6-8 ft. away from other students or outside of the classroom. You are encouraged to approach the instructor or a fellow student about any missed content due to leaving the class for a brief time.

Remote Class

You may take breaks as needed. You may want to turn your camera off and mute the sound when doing so to avoid interrupting the class.

Captioning of Videos

All videos utilized within the remote learning environment should be captioned. If you find that video content posted in your class is not accessible to you because they are not closed captioned or do not have a closed captioning option, you can contact ADR for assistance. We also encourage you to speak directly with your instructor and let them know that the materials they have posted are not accessible.

Aides and Attendants

Personal aides and attendants that accompanied students with disabilities to their in-person classes will continue in the remote learning environment.

Temporary Accommodations

Your temporary accommodations will remain in place until the agreed upon date. Any accommodation needs beyond the agreed upon date will require you to schedule an appointment with ADR and provide documentation from a medical professional indicating the need for ongoing accommodations as well as for any in-person classes and university activities.

Chapel Accommodations

Currently chapel has been suspended until further notice. Note, all chapel accommodations must be renewed each semester.

Housing Accommodations

Students are required to renew their housing accommodations prior to the start of each semester. If you have not renewed your summer 2022 and fall 2022 housing accommodations, contact us at

Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals

In the event ADR requests additional information please fill out the following questionnaire:

ESA Request for Information .pdf

Resources and Tips