Steps for Participating 

in the EXPO 

Registration Window is December 08 - 21, 2023 

The following items must be completed BEFORE you can start registration:

1. Choose Your Category and Subcategory

All projects for the STEM EXPO need to have a category.  This is how EXPOs organize their projects during the event.  Students may need your help to pick a category and a subcategory that their project fits in.  The Google Document below contains links to category and subcategory descriptions.  This can be assigned in your Google Classroom.

Frequently Asked Q & A (Google Document) This document answers the questions:

2. Registering for the APS STEM EXPO

You must fill out a registration form.  The form will ask you to link your  Research Plan, Research Paper, Quad Board "Poster" .  Make sure that all documents are set to teacher is the owner and share "Anyone with link."  This includes your logbook, research plan, research paper, slide presentation and any other linked documents.

Choose the form that best describes your project:

3. APS STEM EXPO Awards Ceremony

Yes!  Our APS EXPO is in person!  January 28, 2023 at Ellet CLC. Students will receive medals based on ratings.  Details are still being worked out.  Stay Tuned!

4. Next Level STEM EXPOs

Western Reserve District 5 Science Day (WRD5) 

District 5 Help Camps will walk families through the registration process. Families need to bring the following to Help Camp:

Help Camp will take approximately 1-4 hours depending on how organized you are. You do not need to call ahead for a spot; just show up between the hours listed below. You only need to attend one of the following sessions:

In case of Snow Days, the following will be make-up  dates:

State Science Day 

Additional Questions or Concerns? 
