How do I give you my email addresses? 

Is the APS Student Email Account is real?  Can you show us how to make it work?  

For example, most of us think that this is a student email address:  JHarris678@apsk12.org.  This is not it.  The email address ALWAYS HAS THE WORD "STUDENT" in it:  JHarris678@student.apsk12.org.

Here is how to get there: 

Now do this to make sure you have it right.  This will allow you to see your “for real” APS Email Account:

1) Go to mybackpack

2) Choose APS STUDENT EMAIL on the home screen.

3) Make sure you enter your email address as follows:  ****@student.apsk12.org  (It won't work without the word "student.")

4) Enter the password.

That's it... 

How do students access honors courses? 



What about students who have taken 3 or 4 years of world language BEFORE they start high school?  

If students have taken the high school version of a world language, the student will move to the next level in high school.  APS generally wants all others to start with Level 2 of the world language in all other cases.  If a parent or student thinks that Level 2 is not high enough, we are - AT TIMES - able to assess the student's abilities to determine best placement.  

Can students take more than one pathway?

Absolutely.  Most students complete 3 or 4 pathways during high school?  

Are pathways REQUIRED? 

They are not.  However, this makes for an interesting "all over the place" kind of schedule, but it happens.  Colleges like to see that students have followed through with "something," so having a pointed course of study helps.  

Whom do we email additional questions?

Start with Mr. Vincent and/or Ms. Pellechia. (Just click on the name) 

Common "WHAT TO DO WHEN" Attendance Questions: 

When your child is absent from school

Early Dismissal/Checking In

Missed Bus/Overslept
