School-Based Choice Program

The school-based choice programs are comprised of three family engagement models that include Academic Parent Teacher Teams, Removing Barriers, and School Designed. Creating this menu of options allows schools to target the distinct needs of students, families, and the community while still leaving room for flexibilities.

Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT)

The Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT) model strengthens teacher-family relationships by focusing on student academic growth and achievement. It elevates the efforts of traditional parent-teacher conferences by inviting all families of the same classroom teacher to meet together rather than individually.

Removing Barriers

The Removing Barriers model is designed to grant schools the flexibility in “meeting families where they are." This is a community based/partnership approach to meet families’ core needs while promoting the academic wellbeing of the student.

School Designed

The School Designed model is created with a school based innovative focus. This choice aims to leverage parent/family leaders such as GO Teams and Parent Teacher Association members (PTA) to be ambassadors who attract other parents through personal stories, experiences, and success.