Mission & Vision


Through ongoing collaboration we provide tailored resources that support families and schools.


We are motivators for families to become champions who support student success.

We Value:

  1. Family and school voices as well as their unique needs
  2. Customer Service Excellence
  3. Collaboration with all stakeholders
  4. Authenticity and transparency

Division Strategy & Framework


  • EDUCATION | Build on knowledge and research of family engagement to support the whole child.
  • TRAINING | Provide families and staff strategies on how to support the engagement model of the district.
  • COMMUNICATION | Provide avenues of feedback from internal and external stakeholders.
  • PARTNERSHIPS | Enhancing current and developing new relationships that will support the shared vision and goals of the district and family engagement.

Desired Outcome: Family Engagement Excellence

Family engagement tailored for all schools across the district resulting in equity of educational excellence.