about me

Susan Schripsema, NBCT

2020-2021 will be my 26th year of teaching.

My first year, I taught freshman English and sophomore Communication Skills at West Mesa High School in Albuquerque, NM

Then I taught at Madison and Hoover Middle Schools for 13 and 6 years respectively. I worked with 7th and 8th grade students and certified in Early Adolescent English Language Arts with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

I have been at La Cueva High School since 2015, teaching Journalism and advising The Edition student newspaper, and teaching English. Two years ago I renewed my National Board Certification.

I am looking forward to adding Literacy Strategies this year to the courses I've taught. It's an area of study that I enjoy helping others.

The photos and Bitmojis in my carousel include my interests, hobbies, and family. I look forward to knowing each student just as you are here finding out about me.