
Friday, September 22, 2023

What is the SASM Jog-a-thon?

The SASM Jog-A-Thon is our only fundraiser of the year. Participants earn money by running laps. Participants will have 30 minutes to run as many laps as they can around our track at San Antonito or around the Gym (for Kindergarteners). Participants get pledges from family, friends, neighbors, or businesses to support their efforts. Donors can either pledge a certain amount of money per lap or make a flat donation in support of our school. To volunteer, you must have a background check on file in the office by the day of the event. Please visit the signup genius at:

How do I get Pledges?

Ask friends, family, neighbors, and businesses! Register your child at and follow the simple registration steps. It takes

just minutes to set-up your child’s own fundraising page to request pledges or use the form attached to the pledge envelope. When participants request pledges from at least 10 people online, they will be eligible for a prize, even if they don’t get any monetary donations.

Note: When collecting pledges based on laps run. Kindergarteners on average run

approximately 60 laps in the Gym. The 1st through 5th graders run on average 20 laps around the track.

Prizes will be given out for requesting donations and raising money! All prizes will be awarded within about 2 weeks after the Jog-a-thon event. A small prize will be awarded for every child who jogs on the day of the event as well. 


Prizes are cumulative.

● Sending out 10 emails earns Roadrunner Stickers. 

● $25 raised earns a Pop-It keychain.

● $50 raised earns a SASM Cooling Sports Towel.

● $150 raised earns SASM socks and a FAST PASS for Fall Festival Activities – No waiting in line!

● $300 raised earns a STEM kit.

● $500 and up earns a Robot kit.

(Various gift card donations we receive will also be split up among top winners)

Individual Grand Prizes:

● The Top Lap Runners (Top Boy Lap Runner and Top Girl Lap Runner) from each

class will receive an extra recess and bubble fun with Mrs. Gallegos.

● The student who is the top fundraiser at San Antonito will get to be Principal for a


Class Prizes:

● The 1st 5 classes to email us how they have applied the data they collect at the

Jog-A-Thon in a STEM based activity in your classroom will earn a Popsicle Party.

What is the Goal?

This year we would like to raise $18,000. If every student can raise $55 we can achieve our goal! 

Your support allows the PTA to continue to fund many of the great programs and events at our school. This year any funds collected above $18,000, this is the amount needed to operate the PTA’s regular programs to support the school, will go toward enhancing our volleyball court/supplies and for future family engagement activities.  

With your help, every child will benefit.

Please send a water bottle with your child with their name on it to have during the event.

We will have some water and snacks for volunteers and children who run out or forget water bottles.