Family Reading


Research tells us without a doubt that one of the most important things you can do to help your child succeed academically is to read to them. Start early and don't stop! They aren't too young or too old for you to read aloud to them. Reading aloud to your child strengthens connections, builds language, and helps your child see beyond to the world around them. Need more proof? Click on these links to read more:

PBS - Why Reading Aloud Helps Kids Thrive - Why Family Literacy Matters

The Conversation - Read Aloud to Your Children to Boost Their Vocabulary

WCPO - How Reading Aloud 20 Minutes a Day Impacts Your Child

Monte Vista Library Schedule

Your child comes to library once each week. Each week they will partake in a story or activity and then check out books. Please see the schedule to know when your child has library, so that books can be returned on time and new book can then be checked out.

Overdue book?

It happens. The best way to prevent this is by having a place for library books at your home. The bedside table, the top of a book shelf, or the table right by the front door, are great spots to keep library books. Finding that perfect place will help you know where it is when it is time to return it. Does your child travel between homes? Keeping library books in your child's backpack when not in use will ensure they make it from home to home.

Children who forgot their library books won't be able to check out another book until the overdue book is returned. If this becomes a chronic issue, arrangements can be made to be able to check out books and keep them in the classroom instead of bringing them home. Just talk with your child's teacher or the librarian! We want books in the hands of children and will find ways to make this work.

If you or your child believes the book was returned to the library, let the librarian know. At times the computer is pesky and though it shows the book has been checked in, it doesn't process the return. If the student lets the librarian know this could be the case, we can search for it on the shelf and hopefully find the book.

Damaged or Lost Books?

Occasionally this happens too, and your child will bring home a notice asking you to pay a fine. The library accepts checks or cash (exact cash only please) for this. If you are a family with limited resources, the library is happy to work with you on this. Instead of paying money, students can help out in the library dusting and straightening up books to help make amends for this. Just let the librarian know through a note or by email: