Weight Training 1, 2, 3 and HEalth

Expectaions and Both Syllabus

Good Afternoon Students and Parents!  

I wanted to introduce myself and provide you with some new information about our Health and Weight Training classes.  First, in case you didn’t receive my Welcome Letter, my name is Chris Howe (Coach Howe) and I am your student’s teacher for Weight Training   I look forward to getting to know your students and introducing them to a healthy lifestyle that they can take with them beyond this school year

Our goal for this class is to promote healthy lifestyles, fitness activities, stress relievers, proper nutrition and healthy habits that students can carry with them for a lifetime.   

Cibola Weight Training Syllabus

Vision/Mission Statement:

Welcome to Weight Training at Cibola High school. Weight Training is an Upper Level Physical Education Elective course. The focus of weight training is to develop student’s physical, mental and social well-being. It is our mission to provide an equal opportunity to our students, through planned activities, for physical development in the areas of Fitness Components (muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, cardiovascular: aerobic endurance, anaerobic endurance, and body composition) balance, and agility.

Objectives of Physical Education:

As developed by the New Mexico Department of Education, course standards include:

1. The student will be competent in many movement forms.

2. The student will understand how and why one moves in a variety of situations and will use this information to enhance his or her own skills.

3. The student will achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

4. The student will exhibit a physically active lifestyle and will understand that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge and self-expression.

5. The student will demonstrate responsible personal behavior while participating in movement activities.

6. The student will demonstrate responsible social behavior while participating in movement activities and understand the importance of respect for others.

7. The student will understand the interrelationship between history, culture, games, sports play and dance.

Class Expectations and Requirements:

1. Students must be in the locker room prior to the tardy bell.

2. Students must wear CIBOLA HIGH School Weights Uniforms, or same color coordinated clothes, which consist of a gold PE t-shirt (with student’s name), black shorts or sweats, and appropriate athletic footwear. Additional CHS sweats are optional. Uniform t-shirts will cost $20 and be sold in the 1st 2 weeks of class

3. Students must lock all their belongings in ONLY their assigned locker with their own combination lock.

4. Students may NOT share locker space with other students.

5. CELL PHONES ARE NOT PERMITTED IN CLASS – they will be taken by a teacher, NO


6. Wireless headphones are NOT permitted during class. Exceptions may be made.

7. The Physical Education Department will NOT accept responsibility for lost items.

8. All Non-suits are expected to comply with the classroom rules and are subject to loss of points.

Cibola High School Eight Day No Dress Guidelines:

Medical Excuses and Excused Absences:

• ALL excused medicals are required to dress for physical education (unless unable to do so due to the medical reason)

• In the event a student must miss or have class participation modified for 1 day due to a medical condition, a written note from a parent or legal guardian is required. Dated notes, written by the parent/guardian, must include:

• The student’s full name and ID number

• A phone number to reach the parent/guardian

• The specific limitations of the student

• A signature

More than 1 day on a medical excuse will require a note from a physician, indicating the student's limitation and length of modification. Students who miss class due to a Cibola High School Activity are excused from losing points but must make up work.

Make Up Work Policy

• All students with excused absences have the opportunity to make up the days missed. All make up work must be turned in 1 week from the day that the student returns to school. Make up work will consist of an approved workout that can be found in google classroom. Upon assignment completion students MUST fill out and submit the make-up assignment form located in google classroom. Students may also complete a 20 minute walk/run and submit proof of competition via screenshot of an app, smart device, etc. Mapmyrun or adidas run are two free apps that will track time and distance. Non-suits are unable to make up their dress out points.

Grading Policy:

Grades will be based on the following:

Students are graded on a daily grade of 25pts per class period including Mondays. Points are awarded to students for dressing out, participating, and being fully engaged in the class. Being present in the class does not assure you a passing grade.Therefore extra points can be deducted from a student’s daily grade that was dressed out for class. i.e. a student who dresses out for class but does not warm up or participate in the activity may lose up to the full 25 daily points. The goal in this course is to be involved and active with students. Grade Book Break Down You and your parents will be required to go to your Google classroom and find the “Weight Training Syllabus Agreement” assignment. This will take you to a form that must be filled out in order to get credit for accepting the aforementioned terms and conditions of the class.

Coaches Contact:

Coach Martinez gabriel.martinez@aps.edu 897.0110 Ext TBD

Coach Howe james.howe@aps.edu 897.0110 Ext TBD

Health Syllabus.docx