
On this page you will explore the main information regarding our online learning system, Edgenuity. I will explain how to login, the pacing of the system and how best to manage your time to be successful, the purpose and usage of the three different grades in Edgenuity, some of the important tools and features in Edgenuity, understanding Studentvue and how to check your official grades.

Logging into Edgenuity

Logging onto Edgenuity:

To log into Edgenuity, simply go to edgenuity.com and click the yellow Log In button on the top. Then follow the instructions below:

Students: You will select Student Login.

Your Username is your APS ID# followed by the letters aps. Ex: 123456789aps

Your Password if your APS ID# Ex: 123456789

Parents: You will select Family Login.

If this is your first time logging into Edgenuity, you will need to ACTIVATE your account. Please email/text me with the email address you want to use, and I will let you know your activation code. If you have been with us in the past, your Parent Portal should still be activated, but let me know if this is not the case.

Viewing Edgenuity as a Parent & Student

Pacing and Time Management

For all classes in Edgenuity labeled ECAD, students have a full semester to complete the courses. For all classes labeled, BlendED, students have only 9 weeks to complete their courses.

The system automatically increases the target percentage every morning approximately around midnight, 1.5% for ECAD courses, and approximately 2.5% for BlendED courses.

The system allows students to access and work on their courses 24/7, which means they are able to work as far ahead as they please. The only things that will pause students' progress is the need to have a Unit Test unlocked by the teacher. However, due to the increased target completion each day, students must complete at minimum 1 topic (ECAD) or 2 topics (BlendED) each day in each class to stay on track.

When students are on track in their courses, the top bar of their course will show blue, or green if students are ahead.

When students log into their Edgenuity home page they will see their classes organized into tiles with their course completion and Actual Grade. When students click on the Course Map (top right corner of the tile) they will see the activities they need to complete as well as the date they need to complete each activity in order to stay on track. From this page students can also view the grades they received for each assignment as well as any feedback left by their teacher. Also, if students see a paper and pencil icon next to a lesson, that lesson has guided notes that can be downloaded, printed, filled in, and used throughout the course.

Understanding the Three Grades

There are three different grades shown in the Progress Report for each class in Edgenuity. To pass all online courses students must have a Relative Grade of 60% or higher with the course at 100% completion. To find the Progress Report and your Relative Grade:

Go to the Course map by either clicking on the course tile or clicking the round icon in the upper right corner of the course tile.

Click the three line icon on the left hand side of the course map

Here you will see your Progress Report for the course.

  1. Overall Grade- This grade represents the quality of work being turned in by the students. This grade in an average of all the assignments, quizzes, tests, essays, and projects that have been completed. This grade is only referenced if below a 60%.

  2. Actual Grade- This grade is a calculation of the Overall Grade divided by the difference of student's course completion percentage and the target completion. If the student is on track or ahead, this grade will be the same as the Overall Grade. If a student is behind, this grade will be lower than the Overall Grade. Students are considered to be at danger of failing the course if they have a Relative Grade below 65%.

  3. Relative Grade- This is the "walk away" grade. This grade takes in the grades of assignments completed and accounts for all incomplete assignments in the course as Zeros. At the end of the term, this is the grade students will receive on their transcripts. This grade increases slowly as assignments are completed, increasing approximately 1-2% for each assignment completed. When students finish the course 100% and take the final, all three grades will be the same.

Tools & Features

Edgenuity is loaded with great learning tools and features. I have already explained above how to access the Course Map which allows access to assignment due dates, teacher feedback, assignment scores, and Progress Report. From the home page, click the drop down menu attached to your name, then click Profile. On the left hand side click Attendance Log. Your Attendance Log records the amount of time spent on your courses each day and how much of that time was spent actively completing work and what was spent idle. This information is also accessible to parents in the Family Log in as well as teachers.

Finally, from the home page in the upper right hand corner you will see two icons next to your name, the first is a megaphone. This will house your announcements sent by the the district and school. The next is an envelope icon. This is your email. Teachers will send emails with important information such as course expectations and important dates.

In each course there are also tools to assist in your online learning. For each video there is a transcript that has the written script for what the video is stating, as well as a section for e-notes, and a glossary. These can be found by clicking the plus sign (+) in the upper right corner of the assignment screen. The e-notes have a tendency to disappear, so I recommend taking notes in a word or Google doc or on paper in a notebook. Studies have shown that students better learn and retain information if it is hand written in a notebook with blue ink.

Students are also able to access the videos and instruction as many times as needed to understand the content and can pause the video to take comprehensive notes.

Checking Feedback and Messages in Edgenuity

Understanding StudentVue/ParentVue

  • StudentVue/ParentVue is the official gradebook.

  • Grades and attendance are updated every Monday by 10am.

    • Students' Actual Grade is posted in StudentVue/ParentVue.

    • For attendance, students will be marked present or absent.

      • Present = student working on Edgenuity classes

      • Absent = student is in the red(behind progress) and has not worked in a week or more

Many thanks to Jordan Orlovsky who allowed me to use much of her Edgenuity material.