
Hi folks!Welcome to the What’s After This? Podcast with Business Career Services! This podcast is a chance for us to sit down with employers, recruiters, alumni, and other friends of the Walker College of Business to talk about and answer your questions about What’s After This - your time in the WCOB. Thanks for joining us and we hope this will give you some insight. Today on the podcast, we sit down with Caitlin Deltgen a University Recruiter for Gartner. I have had the pleasure of working with Caitlin for years now in several capacities, and as I was planning for this interview about the use of technology in the workplace, I thought there was none better than a gal recruiting remotely for a tech company. On this episode we talk about the pros and cons of technology, healthy habits when working remotely and so much more. I know you all will find this one insightful. Without further ado, here’s my conversation with Caitlin.
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WATCaitlinDeltgenInterviewFinal .mp3