
Hi folks!Welcome to the What’s After This? Podcast with Business Career Services! This podcast is a chance for us to sit down with employers, recruiters, alumni, and other friends of the Walker College of Business to talk about and answer your questions about What’s After This - your time in the WCOB. Thanks for joining us and we hope this will give you some insight. Today on the podcast, we sit down with KJ Brown, the newly promoted University Recruiting Manager at Signature Consultants. I have had the pleasure of working with KJ for years now, and it was such a treat to get to sit down with her for this. We talked about her experience, challenges, opportunities, and everything in between. She drops a lot of advice, so be sure to have something to take notes at the ready! Without further ado, here’s my conversation with KJ.
Helpful Links:
KJ's LinkedIn profile:
WATKJBrownInterviewFinal .mp3
Hi folks!Welcome to the What’s After This? Podcast with Business Career Services! This podcast is a chance for us to sit down with employers, recruiters, alumni, and other friends of the Walker College of Business to talk about and answer your questions about What’s After This - your time in the WCOB. Thanks for joining us and we hope this will give you some insight. Today on the podcast, I sit down with Krystal Donohue, a sales and management recruiter for United Rentals. She has worked for United Rentals for quite some time and has held several roles there. During our conversation, Krystal was kind enough to talk us through some of the most minute details of the interview and virtual interview process. She spoke to the types of things she likes to see on LinkedIn, what she likes to hear in an interview, what she doesn’t like to see when interacting with a candidate and so much more. If you are finding yourself scared for your first interview or preparing for your thousandth interview, I know you’ll find something helpful in what she has to say. So, without further ado, here is my interview with Krystal.

WATKrystalDonohueInterviewFinal - 7:22:20, 9.12 AM.mp3