Observational Forms

Before selecting prompts from the forms below, determine a focus for the observation (f2f or asynchronous session) or review (AsULearn course or part of a course). Consider what type of feedback will be most useful at this time for improving your instruction. Here are some options for crafting your focus:

  • Select a lens or combine prompts from a variety of lenses below.

  • Select the checklist at the bottom of this page for an online course review.

  • Identify your own prompts based on the feedback you need as an instructor. For example, you may ask your observer to review artifacts such as a course syllabus, assignment guidelines and student work, recorded mini-lectures with engagement techniques, discussion board exchanges, etc.

Be sure to send your area of focus and specific prompts to your observer during Week One: Prepare.

Observation Form: Instructional Strategies Lens
Observation Form: Diversity and Inclusion Lens
Observation Form: Motivation and Engagement Lens
Observation Form: Content Lens

Online TS Observations

With Teaching Squares for online classes, you can share a course site that you are currently teaching or a course site for a past course. Peers in your square would have access to your course site, review the site, and provide feedback on elements that you have selected. For the first observation, your partner might look at general online appearance, course navigation, and student orientation to the course, etc. For the second and third observations, you may wish to focus on different course design features. The Online Course Design form below can be used to help select a focus for an observation and to provide feedback to another peer.

Online Course Feedback