Advice from Prior Students

  • Really try and get a base understanding. Everything builds off of each other.

  • Actually read the textbook when suggested, watch the videos and do all the assignments. You will learn.

  • Just make sure to complete every assignment as every single one of them is important to linear algebra and your ability to learn it.

  • It really helps to take advantage of all the resources provided.

  • Make sure to look back at past chapters or videos throughout the semester because they all are connected in some way. You can review in YouTube and change the speed.

  • Make sure to do all the work assigned. It all helps, and the order of it is generally the optimal way to go. If you have questions, ask. Dr Sarah is very willing to help.

  • Write down all the practice problems and review the feedback that is given! There are helpful hints to show where you might've messed up!

  • Really study hard. The material can be confusing, especially in an online format, so dedicate a sizable amount of time to the class.

  • It may be online but make sure you still stay on top of things and dedicate the necessary time.

  • Take the time to study and push to learn the material, not memorize it.

  • This class will in due time make sense, just stick to it and you will understand.

  • Its super helpful to work ahead.

  • Start problem sets earlier.

  • Learn the 1st chapter stuff real good including span/pivots/# of solutions as it will keep coming back.

  • Go over the quizzes. Repeat assignments to cement the information.

  • Getting just a little ahead in the work is a great idea, and entirely feasible. And use the resources, talk to the classmates and professor, that was vital for me.

  • Do all the assignments and problem sets. They help with everything.

  • If you don't understand a topic, buckle down and review it and ask questions until it makes sense. Take advantage of all the resources available like office hours. Always review solutions online.

  • Take video and quiz practice questions seriously, they are a great no-risk way to gauge your knowledge

  • If you start falling behind, put in the extra time/work to catch up because everything builds on each other. Definitely use resources available.

  • Keep up with your daily tasks and make sure to ask questions! There is so much help available.

  • Keep up and don't slack off.

  • Take full advantage of office hours and ask questions about any and everything you're not 100% sure on.

  • Do readings and videos and online practice first for help solving problems then do handwritten work.

  • Do all the assigned reading and use office hours or math lab if you need it.

  • Do all assignments. Ask questions. Laugh!

  • Make sure you keep up with the concepts and definitions.

  • Take notes from the textbook and interactive videos!

  • Take notes!! It is easy to just listen to the presentations but you have to take notes!

  • Don't be afraid to get stuff wrong on the quizzes, they help you understand more if you do and you can look over the hints. and you can always retake it.

  • If you're going to procrastinate on the assignments, be prepared for a few hours of hard work the day that it's due. The 10am deadlines appealed extremely to me, as I am a night-owl type person. I enjoy staying up late, and I find that is the best time for me to get my work done. If you're similar to me, this may be a good way of doing your work.

  • If you find yourself struggling with some of the material, check the re-engages for the previous week. Quizzes and practice handwrites are also extremely helpful for problem sets. Dr. Sarah is also helpful during office hours or on the forum. Make sure to read the emails, as Dr. Sarah often gives hints to problem sets!

  • Ask for help. Dr. Sarah is one of the teachers that will do her best to explain something that you don't understand. If you never ask for help how will anyone know that you need a little more guidance to fully learn whatever the subject is.

  • Go to the Zoom hours to ask questions.

  • Take Dr. Sarah.