Additional communication policies

Check ASULearn daily for work and my feedback. You are also responsible for announcements made on the web pages, so check them often.

Communicating about Excused Absences: If there is some reason you must miss an assignment, then keep me informed, with any appropriate documentation, and obtain the assignments and class activities from the web pages to turn the work in early or on time, if possible.

Inclement weather: If the university cancels classes, check the class web pages for updated info, which may include plans for the missed class such as additional readings, problems, video meetings, Chat, and/or Forum sessions in ASULearn. Work may still be due on ASULearn.

I also want you to be informed about your choices regarding what you tell me about certain types of sensitive information. In situations where students disclose experiencing an act of interpersonal violence to their instructor, faculty are required to report what students tell us to the campus Title IX Coordinator, who then reaches out to the student by email offering support services. I care about you and want you to get the resources you need. I'm happy to talk with you if you decide you want that, but please be aware that if instead you'd like to explore options with someone who can keep your information totally confidential, I highly recommend the Counseling Center at 828-262-3180. They offer walk-in hours as well as after-hours coverage: