How to Videos

Copying Google Docs from AsULearn.mp4

Copying Google Documents

Several times you are given a link to a template and then asked to fill out the template. Before you can fill out the document you must make a copy. This video shows you how to make a copy.

Google Slides

This is a short video on how to create a Google Slide presentation.

Google Slides.mp4
Sharing in Goole Slides.mp4

Sharing in Google Slides

This video explains how you can share a Google Slide presentation with others by sending a link.

Tips for using Google Docs

This video gives a few tips like how to use the research tool in Google Docs.


How to turn a Microsoft File into a Google File.

Converting a Powerpoint Presentation to Google Slides and Converting Microsoft Word Document to Google Doc

How to share a video clip from Google Drive.

Uploading and sharing a video file from the desktop to the Google Drive.


How to save a video from YouTube

One way to save a youtube video to your desktop

How to use your phone to create a video and image saved in Google Drive

Use your Smart Phone to create and save a video or image in Google Drive.

zoom_1 (1).mp4

Using Google Forms

Forms can be used to create quizzes and gather information. This information is connected to Google Sheets and creates graphs of data automatically.

Creating a Google Site

Google Sites can be used to create classroom websites. A place for students or colleagues to come and find shared resources.


How to Worksheets: Google sign-in, Posting in Forums, Creating links

AsU Learn Login/Google Account Instructions.docx
Making a link to your Google Slide or Doc “live” in a forum post.pdf
Posting to discussion forums and creating a link in the discussion forum