
I'm interested! What should I do?

For more details on each of these steps, please read "Getting Started" in the Arleta OBOB Information Packet. 

Arleta OBOB printable documents


There is a great deal of information on the official OBOB website.

For adults assisting with student teams, the Coaches' Guide here may be especially helpful.

Find updates and useful information on this public Facebook group.

This local library group offers sets of unofficial practice questions as well as online events for adults and kids. Keep an eye as we add these question sets throughout the season.

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8 Set 9 Kahoot!

WCCLS hosts online events for adults and kids.  

There is a helpful section on this page, "What Does a Battle Look Like?," with video links.

Beaverton librarians also write unofficial practice questions and posts them here.

The librarians here wrote their own sets of practice questions and have also made some great YouTube "trailers"!

Blooket! Quiz

To see an actual battle, watch below:

(Competition begins about one minute into video)