
This heavenly potato based pasta is quick to put together with just a few ingredients and fun for little hands to help with since it is the same consistency as play doh when shaping.

Here's what you'll need

Yield: Generously serves 2 as a main dish or 4 as a side


  • 2 potatoes (I used 4 smaller potatoes)

  • 1 1/2 - 2 cups all purpose flour

  • 1 egg

  • Salt to taste


  • Small pot

  • Vegetable Peeler

  • Cutting Board

  • Knife

  • Stand mixer, hand mixer, potato masher, or fork

  • Measuring cups and spoons

Step 1: Wash your hands with soap and water

Step 2: Prepare potatoes

Wash your potatoes. Using a vegetable peeler, remove all skin from your potatoes. This will give you a smooth, fluffy, melt in your mouth finished product. Now cut your potatoes into large pieces. You can also boil them whole. You don't want to cut them into small pieces because it is likely they will overcook and take on too much water making your gnocchi gummy.

Place potatoes in pot and cover with cold water. There should be about 1-2 inches of water above your potatoes. Add a small handful of salt to your water (about a tablespoon). This helps add flavor throughout your finished gnocchi. Turn the stove heat to high and bring to a boil.

Step 3: Cook potatoes until tender

Your potatoes might cook faster or slower depending on the size of your cuts. You can check them by stabbing a fork into a large piece. If it easily pierces through to the center. Turn off your stove

Step 4: Drain your potatoes

Carefully drain your potatoes. Be sure to let all excess water drain away.

Step 5: Mash Potatoes

If you have a stand mixer, you can use that instead of a hand mixer through the next several steps. If you don't have either kind of mixer, you can use a fork but it will take a little more elbow grease. Mix your potatoes as if you were making mashed potatoes and try to remove all lumps. Stop when your potatoes are mostly smooth. Overwhipping them can cause some potatoes to become gummy as too much starch is released.

Step 6: Make your dough

Now add in 1 1/2 cups of flour and 1 egg and a pinch of salt. Because all potatoes are different sizes and have different water content, you may need more or less flour. Mix on low speed to combine and add more flour as needed until your dough resembles play dough. You should be able to roll it into a ball without it sticking to your hands.

Here's what my dough looked like

You can see in the background that I had extra flour from the second cup leftover.

Step 7: divide your dough and roll it out into a rope

Lightly dust your countertop with flour. This keeps your dough from sticking. Be careful not to put TOO much flour. Pull out a handful of dough, if we tried to roll it all at once, it would be very difficult, so we are just dividing the dough to make it easier to work with. Be careful, it may still be warm.

using the palms of your hands, roll your dough into a long rope about the width of a crayola marker. It will expand some when cooking, so if it looks too small, don't worry.

Step 8: Portion your dough into individual pieces

Using a butter knife, cut your rope into several pillows.

Step 9 (optional): add some traditional texture

Traditionally, Gnocchi are shaped on a wooden board with grooves to give the pasta little ridges so that sauce can really stick to them. At home, you can use a fork which I've demonstrated above.

This step takes a little practice and a little time, but don't worry, if they aren't perfect they'll still taste great. I only textured a few to demonstrate and then left the rest untextured because I was feeling lazy.

Step 10: Transfer portioned pasta onto a baking sheet

Continue portioning and shaping your pasta until you've used all of your dough. We're going to boil the pasta in batches, so having them all laid out and ready to go is helpful. You can line the sheet with foil, parchment, or paper towels for easier clean up.

Step 11: Boil the pasta

Bring a pot of water to a soft boil and add 10-20 gnocchi at a time. Have a slotted spoon and a bowl ready to go. The gnocchi will only cook for a few minutes and they tell you they are done by floating to the top of the pot. Scoop out the floating gnocchi as they rise and put them in the bowl. Repeat until all of your gnocchi are cooked.

As they float, they are ready

Scoop them out with a slotted or perforated spoon and set them aside in a bowl until they are all finished cooking.

You did it!

Gnocchi are fantastic little pillows that are great with any traditional pasta sauce or even just butter and herbs. They make a great main course with the addition of sauce, sauteed vegetables, or meat. It also makes a good side dish in place of rice, pasta, or mashed potatoes.

I topped ours with some store bought pesto and shaved parmesan cheese. Usually I would have added some sauteed veggies in as well, but this was towards the end of the week and we were running low on groceries.