Chocolate Cream Pie

This recipe for a basic chocolate pudding makes a fantastic pie filling. This is a traditional technique for making pastry cream (with the addition of chocolate) that could easily be altered at the end to make any type of cream pie.

Chocolate Cream Pie


  • Single pie crust (store bought or made from scratch)

  • 2/3 cup sugar

  • 1/4 cup cornstarch

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 4 large egg yolks

  • 3 cups whole milk

  • 5 ounces bittersweet chocolate, best quality such as Ghirardelli

  • 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, best quality such as Ghirardelli

  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • Rolling pin

  • Heavy sauce pan

  • Whisk

  • Silicone spatula

  • Measuring cups and spoons

  • Pie pan

  • Mesh strainer

Step 1: Wash your hands with soap and water

Step 2: Mise en Place and preheat your oven to 375

Gather all your ingredients and equipment

Step 3: Blind bake your pie crust

Since we won't be baking our pie filling, we need to bake our crust with no filling. This is called blind baking. Roll out your pie dough to slightly larger than your pie pan. If using a store bought crust, they've already done this for you

transfer dough to your pie pan .

trim edges, or (I prefer to) tuck any hanging over edges back inside the dough to form a rounded edge

shape the edges of your pie crust.

Dock. line, and fill your crust with something to weigh it down. I used lentils, but you could use rice or any kind of bean or actual pie weights

Bake at 375 for 20 minutes and then remove pie weights. Continue cooking for 20-30 minutes or until pie crust is lightly browned and cooked through.

Step 4: Prepare filling - scald milk

Pour 3 cups of milk into a heavy bottomed sauce pan and slowly heat over medium heat. We want to catch it just before it boils and turn the heat off. You may want to occasionally stir the milk so that it heats more evenly and doesn't burn on the bottom.

Step 4: Prepare Filling

While your milk is heating, in a separate bowl. combine and whisk together until smooth:

  • 4 egg yolks

  • 1/4 cup cornstarch

  • 1/3 cup sugar (you can eyeball this, you just want to add enough sugar to give some friction, it will all eventually get incorporated into the filling)

Add the remaining sugar into the milk as it heats. Give it a quick stir to help it dissolve.

When your milk is almost ready, you'll notice it get bubbly and foamy on top. Turn off the heat completely.

Step 4: Prepare Filling - Tempering your egg yolks

Next, we're going to add our egg yolk and cornstarch mixture to the milk to thicken it, but we don't want to just dump them in or the yolks will scramble, so we are going to temper our egg yolks in. This means adding just a little bit of hot liquid while stirring to the yolks at a time until they are as hot as the milk.

Bonnie does an absolutely terrible job of helping me, but she's 3, so we'll give her a break. Here's what the process SHOULD look like. It is best if you have someone to ladle and someone to stir. For our recipe, you only need to ladle in about 2 or 3 ladles full and then you can pour the egg mixture to the pot whisking constantly as you pour.

Turn the heat back on medium and whisk constantly as you slowly bring the filling to a boil. For the eggs to cook and thicken and the cornstarch to thicken, we need to boil the filling, but if we crank the heat up to high we will burn it.

As you heat and whisk, occasionally you can check to see if the filling coats the back of a spatula

You can see in this photo, it's started to gently boil and coats my spatula, but I like a really clean cut slice of pie, so I cooked it for a few more minutes

Perfect! Now turn off your burner and remove from heat.

Step 4: Prepare Filling- Time to add flavor

Now you've made a base, you could put in any flavorings or extracts at this time, for our chocolate pie, we'll add.

  • 7 ounces chocolate chopped - all I had in the house were semisweet chocolate chips, and my pie still turned out tasty

  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

stir with a silicone spatula until all of the flavorings are completely dissolved and no white streaks remain

Step 5: Fill your pie crust

Pour your filling through a mesh strainer and into your baked pie shell. The strainer helps you catch any bits that may have burned or scrambled during the cooking process. No one wants a lumpy pie!

If you end up with more filling than will fit in your pie, you can put the excess in a small bowl or cup and you have a home made pudding cup.

Step 6: Chill until set

Refrigerate your pie for several hours or overnight so that it will set and become sliceable

Step 7: (optional) top with cream and dust with cocoa powder

Because we had some that I wanted to use up, I topped my pie with cool whip piped through a piping tip, but you could also make whipped cream from scratch. It's very easy to make. Here's a recipe from Alton Brown

just look at that clean slice!