What Do Trinity Pupils Say?


I know what you're thinking: new school, new friends, new commute. Its really daunting. I remember the night before I started year 7, I didn't sleep at all! That morning I had to get the bus, I was really scared, but don't worry, everyone is in the same boat. Everybody will be feeling the nerves of secondary school. However, once you're there, it feels like you have been there forever. Just a few days in, Trinity school will feel like your second home!

What about subjects? Most people think that the subjects here are going to be very different, but really you are going over what you have learnt in primary school just in a greater depth. Although, new things are taught and the amazing range of teachers are there to help you, they are experienced and caring and work at a pace that everybody can keep to. Every subject can be great, even the ones that when said make you groan. Put your all into everything you do, it will help you in later school years.

Altogether, Trinity school is great. There are fun subjects, amazing foods, fantastic teachers, and more! There is nothing to worry about when you go into year 7, remember that you are not alone so do not worry if the first month or so is a roller-coaster. Have fun!

Jessica Ashley-Aherne (Year Seven)


Trinity is a great school, that is very welcoming and supportive. We understand that you may feel scared or nervous, when joining Trinity, but we will try to make you feel welcomed and happy.

Studying English at Trinity School is interesting – we write a lot of fictional stories and we may get an artistic task, once in a while. I , personally, think that our English lessons at Trinity are all different, and engaging, which makes them so good.

Overall, Trinity School is a welcoming environment, that will make you feel more comfortable about secondary-school.

Julia Patyk (Year Seven)


I was asked to write a few paragraphs about my time at Trinity. The truth is though, I don’t remember much of my educational career. It got away from me. Each day running into the other, more so now than ever before. Moments folded into each other, forming a mess of dusty memory.

I remember going in on that first induction day absolutely terrified. I was introverted, shy, and – what’s worse – awful at remembering names.

Ask me how times changed; ask me how I can now give speeches in assemblies; when I grew the confidence to speak up in class; ask me how I changed from the kid scared of speaking out to Head Boy. Ask me and I wouldn’t know. Once a flood is raging, only a fool tries to point to the drop that breached the dam.

I do know this though: without my teachers, I would not be who I am, where I am, going where I’m going.

From Year 7 to the last days of Sixth Form, I studied English Literature. And, as much I would like to cite passion or a natural, effortless genius which carried me down this path; that would only be half true. Every step of the way I have been helped and guided, encouraged and engaged by a truly fantastic, utterly brilliant team of teachers. I was scared when I walked into Trinity for the first time. But, if I had known what I now know, I would have smiled.

You have so much to look forward to, so much you’ve yet to experience. Friends to meet, pencil cases to lose and alliances to forge, homework to stress over (and excuses to tell), soul-destroying crushes and heart-wrenching breakups. But all the while, you will be supported and cared for by some of the best people you will ever meet.

They will help you, as they helped me.

Good luck, and have fun.

Oliver Bulbrook - Head Boy (Year 13)