Summer Reading Challenge 2020

Welcome to the Trinity School Library

Summer Reading Challenge 2020


Every year the Library invites new pupils who join in the Summer Reading Challenge with Bexley Libraries, to bring in their certificates to earn rewards (positive points on class charts) to get a head start on the positive points award scheme. This year the Summer Reading Challenge is going digital. You can still join in and earn positive points by brining in your badges into school in September.

Go to to sign up and join in. There are games to play, rewards and badges to earn as well as a whole range of information and access to books to enjoy.

Sign up and have fun!

We recommend you read a minimum of 6 books over the summer holidays, (obviously, this will depend on the types of books you are reading). This will get you started on the Positive points chart!


We would also like you to write a short book review on one of the books you read over the holidays and bring it into school for your English Teacher, along with a photo of yourself reading in your favourite reading place. This might be at home, or in your garden, maybe a favourite spot at the park. Unfortunately, as it is very unlikely that any of us will be travelling abroad this summer, you can be as imaginative as you like with your photo backgrounds. (Maybe a tent in the garden to simulate a camping holiday, a beach background to suggest a beach holiday, it’s up to you.

If you don’t want to join the Summer Reading Challenge, you can record the books you have read on the reading record. (You can do this even if you do take part) Your English teacher will be delighted to see what you have been reading over the summer holidays!

If you are looking for Ideas for your next read, you can check out some of the reading lists on the BOOK REALM including this year’s 7A1 Trinity Students' Recommends…


Even though the Libraries are closed, you can still borrow books online at check it out and enjoy!

Don't forget, you can keep borrowing books and other resources, online, from your local Libraries. Don't worry if you are not already a member, you can join online too, and it's all free! If you have a Bexley Library card you can borrow e-books from Lewisham Libraries too, and vice versa.

Click here for more details