Built Legacy

Egg investigators and becoming ornithologists

After discovering three large, mysterious eggs in a CCTV photo of our classroom, the Nursery and Reception children became ’eggs-perts’ ! The Sweet Peas, Beetroots and Turnips learnt a new scientific 'Word of the Day' (oviparous) and then began to research animals that lay and hatch from eggs. This was then followed by lots of egg-based fun including decorating eggs to look like oviparous creatures and 'eggs-perimenting' with found materials to construct 'egg protectors'.

The children in Reception continued on their 'egg-citing- journey, learning about habitats in Kentish Town before becoming 'Ornithologists'. The Beetnips took on a series of challenges, observing birds in their local environment and became 'Birdwatchers'. Through this learning, the children developed an understanding of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with a focus on SDG 13 - Climate Action, SDG 15 - Life on Land. The children took on 'Changemaker Challenges' to solve problems related to climate change.

Animals and their habitats

EYFS had a wonderful time going 'wild' for World Book Day! The children really enjoyed exploring our focus text 'You Belong Here' by M H Clark. So much so that they transformed into Zoologists and Entomologists, researching and then writing stories about animals in our local habitat.

Bonkers about bugs

The Beetnips had lots of fun exploring our school grounds in search of interesting insects. We also learnt a special science ‘Word of the Day’, exoskeleton, and used the class computer to investigate which insects have a skeleton on the outside of their body. The children worked together to search and record their findings! We then carefully counted up their tally marks and wrote numerals to represent the total numbers for each insect.

What do humans need to survive?

Since we all returned to school, Reception investigated how we can keep our minds and bodies healthy. First, the children learnt all about 'well-being' and discussed how to manage different feelings. They then collaborated to create class 'Positivity Pots' and wrote caring messages for their friends and grown-ups to read. Next, we created a list of 'Healthy Habits' and learnt how to be active, eat a balanced diet, clean our teeth and ensure that we have good 'hygiene' so that we can become 'Germ Busters'!

Super Storytellers

Meanwhile, Nursery transformed into ‘Super Storytellers’ after meeting our Torriano friend, Wanda the Wordsmith. She encouraged the children to use their imagination and oracy skills to delve into the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. The Sweet Peas immersed themselves into the story, using the classroom and props to re-tell their own version of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'.

Meet the 'Design Teams'

We are very proud to present to you (wearing their freshly-made STEAM team badges) the Beetroot and Turnips STEAM Design Teams for 2021.

Beetroots - Bonkers About Bugs

Beetroots - The Fabulous Flock

Beetroots - The Brainiacs

Beetroots - Physical Fizzers

Turnips - Bonkers About Bugs

Turnips - The Fabulous Flock

Turnips - The Brainiacs

Turnips - Physical Fizzers

Surverying our local environment

The Beetroot and Turnip 'Design Teams' went on a local area walk to gather research and ideas for what they would like to build to improve the EYFS Outside Area for their 'clients' (the animals, birds, insects and humans within their local habitat).

Designing with Bennett's Associates

The Brilliant Beetnips initially met with Architects Klara and Max from Bennett’s Associates via Zoom to discuss our STEAM project. The children used their oracy skills to talk about their ‘clients’ and ask curious questions about the role of an Architect. The following week, Klara and Max came into school and supported the children in creating their design solutions for the EYFS outdoor learning area. The children were divided into their 'Design Teams', planning and executing spaces for their ‘clients’ - birds, insects, and humans - focusing on both mental health and physical needs.

Collaborating with Global Generation

Reception were very lucky to have been visited by three inspirational 'changemakers' who were keen to collaborate with us on our STEAM project, 'Built Legacy'. The Beetnips worked with Glen, Hugo and Greer from Global Generation who taught the children invaluable construction skills and supported them to bring their designs to life. They spent the week hammering, sawing, sanding and screwing to create outcomes to meet the needs of their 'clients' - birds, insects and humans.

Collaborating with Nurture Landscapes

The Beetroots and Turnips also spent a morning with Simon from Nurture Landscapes. He taught us all about his job working for the award-winning national horticulture, landscape and national grounds maintenance business. Simon explained how Nurture work to enrich environments and showed the children some of their sites local to our school including Coal Drops Yard. Our aspiring 'Changemakers' then collaborated with Simon to consider and research which types of plants will meet the needs of their 'clients'.

Nursery 'Grow for Good'

Our 'Changemaker' children were then encouraged to ‘grow for good’ by collaborating with Jo, our school gardener, to plant vegetables, herbs and flowers in our new raised bed. The Sweet Peas learnt about the different parts of a plant and enjoyed watching the seeds grow. Not only did this spark their curiosity but it really tested their patience! With sustainability at the heart of their project, the Nursery children enjoyed harvesting, cooking and sampling their crops.