High School Art

Art Class Expectations


  • I will be open minded about ideas that you have. I will give you as much freedom as I can, while also providing help when you need it.

  • I will be supportive of new things you want to try in art class.

  • I will grade fairly, not on talent, but on effort and how well you meet the project criteria.

  • I will be available to answer questions for you or give additional help outside of class.

  • I will help you learn more about making and looking at art.


  • For you to come to class on time and ready to do work.

  • For you to listen during instruction time or during demonstrations (basically, do not talk while I’m teaching and pay attention to what is going on).

  • For you to experiment in your art making and try new things in art class.

  • For you to treat materials with respect. No throwing things or losing things. Always clean your materials and workspace at the end of each class.

  • For you to use respectful language at all times (no racist, sexist, homophobic or violent speech)

  • For you to not speak negatively about anyone's artwork.

  • For you to not get overly frustrated or give up too easily.

  • For you to seek help when you need it and ASK QUESTIONS!!!