School Improvement

School Improvement 

School improvement is a continuous process for districts and schools that includes the following: 

What is the purpose of school improvement? 


The Education Department System of Tiered E-Plans and Supports (ED STEPS) will increase coordination and streamline the timelines and processes for assessing needs, planning, and applying for funds. ED STEPS will replace the Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP) to align with federal requirements. 

ED STEPS includes the One Needs Assessment and One Plan.  

Each Local Education Agency (LEA) in Ohio is required to develop a strategic plan by completing a three-year One Plan as a part of the ED STEPS process.

CLICK HERE to view the cohort list for Region 9.

We highly recommend that the internal facilitator for each LEA in Region 9 attend our monthly ED STEPS Support Network. We will differentiate our support based on your cohort and where you are in your three-year plan. CLICK HERE to learn more about this professional learning opportunity. 

Ohio Improvement Process

The Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) includes, but goes well beyond, the traditional plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle. The OIP is an educational best practice. When viewed as an organizational strategy, rather than an exercise in compliance, the OIP gives districts a template through which focused and intentional action can take place. It brings educators together through collaborative team structures to learn from each other, and it facilitates communication and decision-making between and across levels of the system (district, central office, school, grade levels, content areas, classrooms, community, etc.). The team structures at the core of the OIP, allow for the inclusion of multiple perspectives in guiding each district’s journey toward organizational learning and continuous improvement.

CLICK HERE to view the SST9 on-demand OIP modules and guiding questions.

The SST9 School Improvement Consultants are here to help you with your strategic plans. 

Please contact your SST9 school improvement consultants if you have any questions or need support. 

SST9 School Improvement Website Slides

Ohio's Statewide System of Support

Ohio’s State System of Support is in place to assist schools and districts to increase student outcomes and achievement through a continuous improvement process. 

This system includes: 

This system utilizes the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) as a framework to establish systemic collaborative structures designed to support the development and implementation of focused goals and a strategic plan looking at both students' academic and non-academic needs. 

DEW's website has more information.