Hello and welcome to the fourth edition of RGJS News – an online newspaper created by students, to highlight the talents of its contributors and keep everyone informed about the latest happenings at Roe Green Junior School.

The RGJS News team have worked exceptionally hard over the past term to produce this online newspaper. It features articles providing an overview of school activities and trips, interviews with school staff and pupils, as well as suggestions for holiday activities and games.

To navigate the different pages, simply click on the links above. Each page includes the same set of links for easy access. You will also find a link introducing the RGJS News team.

We hope you enjoy Issue 4!

Wishing all our families and the community a very Merry Christmas.

Ms da Silva

Roe Green Junior School

Princes Avenue, Kingsbury, London, NW9 9JL

Tel: 020 8204 5221 | Email: admin@rgjs.brent.sch.uk

Website: www.rgjs.brent.sch.uk | Twitter: @RoeGreenJS