Middle School Resources

Natural High: RRW Lesson Plans

Natural High is a nonprofit organization committed to empowering youth to make healthy decisions and live a drug-free life. For Red Ribbon Week, they have designed a five-day online drug prevention curriculum built around videos of prominent people telling their stories. Each video also has a set of discussion questions and activities that can be performed within a class period or over the course of a few days. The lesson plans can be found starting on page 22 in the linked PDF. 

The accompanying videos and additional resources can be found on https://www.naturalhigh.org/playlists/red-ribbon-week-2023/ .

(For grades 4-12.)

PUSD uses a Tobacco Use Prevention Education curriculum created by the Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit  and covers topics related to nicotine, e-cigarettes, and vaping. 

The You and Me, Together Vape-Free curriculum includes a middle and high school program that are 6 lessons, approximately 50 minutes each. Every lesson provides activities, online quiz games, and worksheets in addition to presentations, resources, and other materials aimed at addressing key factors associated with youth e-cigarette use, including changing adolescents’ attitudes towards and misperceptions about e-cigarettes; increasing their refusal skills to pulls of flavors, marketing, and social media; reducing stress and depression which have been linked to e-cigarette initiation and use; improving coping; and decreasing intentions and actual use of all e-cigarette products.

These 6 in-class sessions are reinforced outside of the classroom with follow-up discussion guides that provide open-ended questions and activities for youth to discuss various e-cigarette-related topics with a trusted adult and/or peer in order to open dialogue between youth and adults. The curriculum is meant to reach all youth, including those at highest risk of tobacco use, racial/ethnic minorities, students in continuation and alternative schools, and those identifying as LGBTQ+.

NIDA Lesson Plans

The National Institute of Drug Abuse has created a series of lesson plans and activities on the science and consequences of drug abuse. Topics range from education on how specific drugs affect the brain (Mind Matters) to how students can care for their mental health in more adaptive ways. (For grades 6-12.)

Orange County Red Ribbon Week Toolkit

Within this tool kit, you will find in-person and virtual activity ideas and county-wide Red Ribbon Week events, workshops, and trainings to host for your school site, along with programs and resources to support your youth-led Red Ribbon Week efforts. You can find the toolkit here:  ocde.instructure.com/courses/1212 

Pledge to Stay Drug-Free!

Other Fun Activities: