The College & Career Search

Figuring out what school is right for you involves asking yourself tough questions and researching the different options. While there's no such thing as the perfect choice, there are a few things you can do to help you along the way. This includes , accessing the resources available to you in our Career Center, meeting with your School Counselor, and utilizing the plethora of online college & career planning resources. Our partnered website,  California Colleges Guidance Initiative offers college and career planning tools to help students and families plan their college and career journeys. With that information in mind, explore your options and continue to seek the support of those around you. Don't forget, you have an amazing DR Counseling & Career Team to help you along the way. WE ARE DR! 

To start your college/career search login to your CCGI account. is the State of California’s official college and career planning platform. Offering detailed information, curricula, and tools informed by students’ transcript data, it acts as a one-stop shop to help students discover their college and career goals, make plans for how to achieve them, and launch into fulfilling futures. 

College Board has an amazing College Search engine. It allows you to select from various search filters, such as Type of School, Location, Campus & Housing, and Sports & Activities. In the "Majors & Learning Environment" filter you can search for a specific major and it will provide a list of colleges that have that major. You can also narrow the search by using other search filters. 

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