Wuepper World History 10

*Databases sponsored by BHS require a username and password when accessed off campus. These passwords are located in the History folder in your Google Drive.

**Databases sponsored by KCLS will prompt you for a Library Card# and Pin. Your library card# is 417+your student ID# and your pin is the last 4 digits of your student ID#.


Library Card # is 417 + your student ID#Pin = the last 4 digits of your student ID#

Library Card # is 417 + your student ID#Pin = the last 4 digits of your student ID#

If you are still not finding what you're looking for after searching the databases and catalog, try SWEET SEARCH. It is a search engine for academics only. It cuts out the irrelevant and sketchy websites. You should still remain skeptical and diligent when choosing your sources.