Cold War Unit Project
*Databases sponsored by BHS require a username and password when accessed off campus.
**Databases sponsored by KCLS will prompt you for a Library Card# and Pin. Your library card# is 417+your student ID# and your pin is the last 4 digits of your student ID#.
username: bothellshs
password: cougars
password: bothell
Lib Card#: 417student ID#
pin: last 4 digits of your student ID#
Screencast: How to find primary sources using NY Times Historical
Card#: 1000016174756
Pin: 1230
This is an excellent source for primary sources
Lib Card#: 1000016174756
pin: 1230
More Resources:
More Resources:
Access Noodletools through CLEVER (
Vetted Websites:
Vetted Websites: