CHS Spanish 350

Remote Learning 2.0:

Spanish 350 - Remote Learning 2.0 - starting Monday, March 30th

Expectations for Spanish 350:

    1. Attendance: Taken for every period. You will show that you have attended class by completing the Google Form via the WHS website.
    2. Assignments (projects, tasks, etc): need to be completed and uploaded into the Classwork Assignment on Google Classroom unless stated otherwise. You will receive feedback from the teacher about your level of understanding of the content based on what you submit. If nothing is submitted, or what you have submitted doesn’t demonstrate learning then you will not receive credit (& UW grades will drastically be affected for UWHS students).
    3. Participation & Zoom meetings will be held every period as a check-in and a time for you to ask any questions. Participation will be noted during Zoom meetings and/or submission of projects, tasks, and activities. (Attendance will be taken through the WHS attendance form online). Homework will be graded as such (for UWHS students). Students absent from class are welcome to receive make-up participation by attending other Zoom meetings, but not at the expense of another class also in session.
    4. Be ready for next year by knowing and being able to apply these concepts prior to entering AP.
    5. UWHS students will still be working toward 5 credits and a UW grade, assuming my submitted plan is approved (Spanish dept says likely, should find out by end of wk). Non-UWHS students will be given the same assignments for a participation grade toward WHS credit.

Doing optional work to keep up with your practice is great! Feel free to look at the past suggestions in marzo after Remote Learning 1.0 for very brief practice on the daily calendar with a focus on M (reading), T (writing), W (listening), Th (speaking), F (fun).