Students receiving highly capable services in math will be taught the 3rd grade math curriculum by Mrs. Thurman. Every day, our second grade classes will participate in a move-to-math model. HiCap math students in Room 23 will go to Mrs. Thurman's class for instruction, while students learning 2nd grade math in Mrs. Thurman's class will come to Room 23 for instruction.Â
Students receiving highly capable services in reading will be taught the 3rd grade curriculum by Mrs. Redd. Since many of the standards and skills in our 2nd and 3rd grade ELA curriculums overlap, key skills and concepts will be covered. Students will then work in small groups with Mrs. Redd for differentiated instruction, which means modifying lessons to meet each student's individual needs.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Multiplication and Division: Solve problems involving multiplication and division within 100. Master multiplication and division facts for numbers up to 12.
Patterns: Identify and extend patterns, and use arithmetic operations to solve problems involving patterns.
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Place Value: Use place value understanding to round numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
Addition and Subtraction: Add and subtract numbers up to 1,000, using strategies based on place value and properties of operations.
Number and Operations—Fractions
Understanding Fractions: Represent and understand fractions as numbers. Compare and order fractions with like denominators, and understand the concept of equivalent fractions.
Fraction Operations: Use visual models to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.
Measurement and Data
Time and Measurement: Tell and write time to the nearest minute. Solve problems involving measurement of time, volume, and mass.
Data Representation: Collect, organize, and interpret data using graphs (bar graphs, pictographs).
Shapes and Attributes: Understand and identify properties of two-dimensional shapes (e.g., triangles, quadrilaterals) and three-dimensional shapes (e.g., cubes, cones).
Area and Perimeter: Solve problems involving the area and perimeter of rectangles by using multiplication and addition.
hicap reading STANDARDS (3RD GRADE)
Guided Reading Levels
Beginning of the Year: Students are expected to be at guided reading levels L/M.
End of the Year: Students are expected to be at guided reading levels O/P.
Reading Literature
Key Ideas and Details:
Describe Characters and Events: Describe characters' actions and motivations in a story.
Retell Stories: Retell stories and explain the sequence of events.
Theme and Central Message: Identify the central message or lesson of a story.
Craft and Structure:
Story Elements: Explain how specific elements (e.g., dialogue, description) contribute to the story.
Text Features: Use text features (e.g., headings, illustrations) to enhance understanding.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:
Compare Texts: Compare and contrast themes, settings, and events in different texts.
Connections: Relate personal experiences or other texts to the story being read.
Reading Informational Text
Key Ideas and Details:
Main Idea and Details: Identify the main idea and supporting details in informational texts.
Text Structure: Understand how texts are organized (e.g., cause/effect, sequence).
Craft and Structure:
Author’s Purpose: Determine the author's purpose and how it is conveyed in the text.
Vocabulary: Use context clues to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:
Information Analysis: Analyze information and integrate it with information from other sources.
Foundational Skills
Phonics and Word Recognition:
Decoding: Use phonics and word analysis to decode words.
Sight Words: Recognize and read common sight words.
Reading Fluency: Read aloud with appropriate speed, accuracy, and expression to support comprehension.
hicap additional resources
Here are some of the most important and free resources for families of highly capable 2nd grade students who are working with 3rd grade content:
General Resources for Highly Capable Students
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
Website: www.nagc.org
Resources: Free articles, guides, and advocacy information for gifted and talented students.
Hoagies' Gifted Education Page
Website: www.hoagiesgifted.org
Resources: Extensive free resources including articles, book recommendations, and educational strategies for gifted students.
Gifted Guru
Website: www.giftedguru.com
Resources: Free strategies and resources for gifted students and their families, including blog posts and educational tools.
Resources Specific to 3rd Grade Content
Khan Academy
Website: www.khanacademy.org
Resources: Free online lessons and exercises for various subjects, including math and reading for 3rd grade.
Website: www.readworks.org
Resources: Free reading comprehension passages and questions appropriate for 3rd grade.
IXL Learning (Free Access Available)
Website: www.ixl.com
Resources: Interactive practice for math and reading. While a subscription is required for full access, there are some free practice problems available.