Students receiving highly capable services in math will be taught the 3rd grade math curriculum by Mrs. Thurman. Every day, our second grade classes will participate in a move-to-math model. HiCap math students in Room 23 will go to Mrs. Thurman's class for instruction, while students learning 2nd grade math in Mrs. Thurman's class will come to Room 23 for instruction. 


Students receiving highly capable services in reading will be taught the 3rd grade curriculum by Mrs. Redd. Since many of the standards and skills in our 2nd and 3rd grade ELA curriculums overlap, key skills and concepts will be covered. Students will then work in small groups with Mrs. Redd for differentiated instruction, which means modifying lessons to meet each student's individual needs.


Regional Assistant Superintendent
Dr. Amity Butler Ed. D. 

Instructional Support Specialist (HiCap)
Elizabeth Williamson

Data Analyst
Angie Hancock

in-class services

hicap grading

Students receiving highly capable services in reading and math will be graded upon 3rd grade standards/expectations. 

hicap Eligibility


hicap reading STANDARDS (3RD GRADE)

Guided Reading Levels

Reading Literature

Reading Informational Text

Foundational Skills

hicap additional resources

Here are some of the most important and free resources for families of highly capable 2nd grade students who are working with 3rd grade content:

General Resources for Highly Capable Students

Resources Specific to 3rd Grade Content