Links of Interest

Textbook Access

Follow this link to get to the online textbook for Algebra 1 or Algebra 2. Details for accessing the specific book are posted on Schoology.

Looking for a Tutor?

Parents and caretakers who are looking for a tutor should contact an Inglemoor math teacher directly to request a list. We have both student tutors and adult tutors; adult tutors charge but student tutors do not.

Additional Online Math Resources

I appreciate the straightforward and accessible explanations at Math Is Fun. Just search for a particular topic for explanations, some examples, diagrams, and sometimes history of why things work the way they do.

I am also a fan of using Khan Academy for additional instructional videos. Some topics include practice problems. Signing up for an account is free, and they cover a WIDE variety of classes in both math and science.

Using Phones at School

The mere presence of your smartphone impairs your cognitive ability. Here is another study that reaches the same conclusions.

Simon Sinek on what your cell phone is doing to you.

A shorter clip of Simon Sinek describing cell phone addiction, as a part of a larger conversation of millennials in the workforce.

The full conversation of millennials in the workforce and the effects of technology on ability and happiness.

Some empirical evidence from a TV show of how disruptive phones can be for high school students.

This study, published by the London School of Economics, found that test scores improved after cell phones were banned. Their results showed that low-performing students benefited the most.

This podcast from NPR discusses what we lose by being constantly distracted by our devices.

This study found that the effectiveness of class improves when students are not using their phones.

This similar study looked at the effects of phone distraction during class.

Fun Intellectual Curiosities

I very much enjoy several deeply interesting and well-explained YouTube channels that explore a variety of topics from a scientific viewpoint: PBS Space Time, VSauce, and Veritasium. I highly encourage you to check them out and explore what they have to offer.