Library Students Advisory Committee


Madison Wedermyer


Gunther Polzin

Vice Chair


Review books under consideration for removal, articulating student viewpoints in review statements to ensure the presence of varied, inclusive libraries that resonate with student interests and promote intellectual freedom as well as critical thinking.


Read and discuss books under review by the Library Citizens Advisory Committee, vote on their legality based on state guidelines, draft comprehensive review statements containing the student perspective. Review statements must include the outcome of the committees vote on the books legality, the student perspective on the book’s value or lack thereof in libraries, the majority, concurring, and dissenting opinion on the book, and analysis of the learning value the book may offer.

Review Statements

Review statements shall be approved by the committee and signed by the committee chair before submission to the Student Advisory Board/Head Student Representative, the Student Advisory Board Representative must then review and sign the statement before it my be presented to the Executive Board, the review statement must be approved by the executive board and signed by the Student Advisory Board President and District Representative/Advisor to be binding on the full Student Advisory Board (Refer to SP1100).



Progress: N/A
