Video Tools

The Power of Video

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Video creation can support students by:

  • Giving them time to create something meaningful.
  • Engaging them to explain a content topic visually and auditorily.
  • Personalizing the learning because videos even about the same event or person will be unique.
  • Developing skills in planning, developing and editing.
  • Supporting the development of media literacy.

Students love to create and share videos with others. Is this true about an essay assignment? A video that is going to be made public inspires them to put in the extra time to do perfect the details. This sharing creates a sense of community within a class and the reach beyond the wall of the school far exceeds any other school project. Today there is an abundance of video editors online. Accessibility is no longer an excuse for not including video projects.

A Word of Caution!

Students love the idea of making a video but they often lack any understanding of the process of video creation. Using the video creation as a hook for the project works well but try explaining that the creating and editing of a video doesn't come before the script is written. Structure the project for solid planning and research to occur prior to storyboarding the video. Below are a few ideas to guide students:

Free Video Tools

Animoto Education

Animoto: Photos and video can easily be put together in a professional looking presentation. Just pick your style and music, customize your photos and videos with text and get ready to present. Educations can apply for a free education account which comes with a prom code students use to remove the brand watermark and produce longer videos.

Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark Video makes it simple and FREE to create professional looking narrated slideshows that include animated transitions and background music. You can upload video clips and once you have uploaded and inserted a video clip you can then trim it to length to fit into your project. Creators can also add audio to each slide. The same professional quality of all Adobe products.


PowToon is a popular tool for creating animated videos online. PowToon provides a drag-and-drop editor for creating animated videos. The videos that you create feature digital paper cut-outs on a colorful background. PowToon provides drawings of people and objects that you can arrange on blank canvas. After adding your narration to the arrangement you can publish your video.