Courses Taught

Courses Currently Taught by Prof. Aubert

[NOTE TO CURRENT STUDENTS:  All course materials such as handouts, assignments, outlines, etc are generally posted only on Canvas.  Below you will find syllabi for the courses I teach, plus a few items that may help you get a head start on the class.]

Geography 300:  Physical Geography:  Exploring Earth's Environmental Systems

Description:  This course explores the processes and interrelationships which shape Earth's natural landscapes. Key topics include solar energy balance, weather and climate, water resources, landforms, natural hazards, soil, and vegetation. Relevant application of these concepts is used to explain the evolving relationship between humans and Earth's natural systems. Field trips may be required to relate course content to the real world.


Geography 301: Physical Geography Laboratory

Description: This course is a laboratory study of basic principles and concepts involved in understanding Earth's environmental systems. Labs feature observation, collection, analysis and display of data related to the study of energy, weather and climate, vegetation, soils, landforms, and environmental hazards. Additionally, units feature geographic methods and technology, including interpretation of maps and other geographic imagery, weather instrumentation, the global positioning system (GPS), and relevant computer and Internet applications. Field trips may be required.


Geography 306: Weather and Climate
(not taught in Fall)

Description:  This course introduces atmospheric processes including energy and moisture exchanges; atmospheric pressure; global circulation; precipitation processes; weather systems; severe weather; and world, regional, and local climate systems. Course content also includes observation and analysis of atmospheric data using charts, weather maps, and radar and satellite imagery from the Internet and other sources. Field trips may be required to reinforce course content.


Geography 310: Human Geography:  Exploring Earth's Cultural Landscapes
(not taught in Spring)

Description:  This course investigates the diverse patterns of human settlement, development, and movement on earth, which evolved as a result of cultural and environmental factors. Emphasis is placed on understanding global population and migration patterns, language, religion, ethnicity, political and economic systems, development issues, agriculture, and urbanization.

 MAP QUIZ #1 ONLINE PRACTICE QUIZZES    <Continents and Oceans>   <US States