About Me

When I entered college in the Fall of 1983, I had only a vague idea of what I wanted to do with my life, both personally and professionally. I DID know that I had a strong interest in studying the natural environment and the ways in which humans "fit in" to that environment. Initially, I explored this interest by studying biology, and in fact, I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences. There was one experience, though, that made a particularly strong impression on me. In January 1985 I spent two weeks in Death Valley with a Geography Field Course. Instead of focusing on one topic, we studied a variety of topics - botany, zoology, ecology, geology, landforms, weather, and more - all in the context of the desert environment. My eyes were opened to a new way of looking at the world around me, and it made sense.

When it came to making decisions about my professional future, I combined two strong interests, teaching and geography.  Below, I have provided a link to my curriculum vitae, which may or may not interest you.  It is meant not only to list some of my credentials and qualifications, but also to provide some insight into how I landed in my chosen profession.  

Aside from getting outside to hike and kayak, I have become a huge fan of storytelling and podcasts.  My favorite podcasts are This American Life, The Moth, Heavyweight, and Story Collider (they are all on Spotify). 

Feel free to drop me a line or come by the office; I'm always happy to offer assistance...


Prof. John Aubert

Prof. Aubert's Curriculum Vitae (Resume)   and   Storytelling Bio