Student Resources

You are not alone!

I know it's frustrating when you need help and feel alone. Although you are learning online, I am here for you! Provided that you maintain close contact with me throughout the course, I will do my best to use my experience to support you. I will strive to anticipate when and where you will need our help and provide meaningful feedback in a timely manner.

Do you have a technology question? Check the canvas module student resources tab.

In this course, you are going to be asked to work with technology, and, well, technology doesn't always work the way we think it should! To stay sane, and keep your friends, family, and colleagues sane, you will need to develop a balanced approach to technology frustration. The keyword is balanced. Here is the two-pronged approach to balancing technical woes:

  1. Have grit. Google it, watch YouTube videos, and get to know your Canvas Guides. Learning how to find and use tech resources will save you so much time and frustration. Solving a problem on your own is empowering and it also establishes confidence that you can draw upon the next time you encounter a problem.

  2. Ask for help. Don't try so hard to figure it out yourself that you end up frustrated. When you feel your blood pressure rise or begin yelling at your computer, that means it's time to take a deep breath and contact me. We'll figure it out together. :)

What's my role in supporting you?

As your instructor and facilitator, I am your first contact for the help you need in this course. If something doesn't make sense, sounds confusing, or you'd just like more information, let me know. Use that Canvas Inbox we talked about. If you're having difficulty using Canvas, let me know. But if Canvas stops working for some reason or you're experiencing technical issues, please see the Canvas Assistance resources I have created for you in the start here menu of our Canvas course shell.

Need Canvas help?

  • For technical difficulties with Canvas, select "Help" in the Canvas Global Navigation menu.

Other Student Support Services:

  • Student Success Coach: She is available to help you with any questions about CRC. Choua Vue or call- 916-691-7357

Mental Health Services:

  • Students have access to free mental health services 24 hours a day: Student Mental Health Services
    or Crisis Text line: Text HOME to 741741 for free crisis counseling. We’re here for you. OR CRC has a Crisis Counselor available during the week. Call: 916 691 7900.

COVID Vaccination Information:

  • All CRC students are encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID-19. All students who go to campus for services or classes must be vaccinated by October 1.

  • Learn more about Vaccine Requirements

Academic Student Counseling Services:

Tutoring Services: Tutoring Center is open for the Fall semester.

  • In-Person: Tuesday to Thursday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

  • schedule tutoring zoom session for Online Tutoring- Monday to Thursday:10:00 am to 8:00 pm/ Friday:10:00 am to 3:00 pm/ Sunday: 5:30 to 9:30 pm

  • Computers will be available during these hours and staff will direct students online to meet with a tutor. No tutors are available in person in the Tutoring Center.

Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS)

  • Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) provide an equal educational opportunity for students with physical, psychological, or learning disabilities. Students with disabilities are encouraged to lead active and independent lives by participating in all college programs. Counseling, support services, and academic accommodations are provided to students who are eligible for the program.

  • phone:(916) 691-7275 or visit DSP Services here