
Communication, Deadlines, and Late Assignments:

All major projects and informal assignments will have a deadline, and deadlines will be communicated via Canvas and will show up on your to-do list on Canvas. I will do my part and send out reminders via Canvas announcements when deadlines are approaching. I understand that all of you are still learning to manage your time in college as you juggle school, work, and family life; therefore, I highly encourage you to get in the habit of advocating and communicating your personal and academic needs. If you are feeling overwhelmed about a deadline that may overlap with another deadline in your other classes, or a family emergency arises, here is what I highly encourage you to do:

  • Email me 1-2 days before the deadline, and provide me with an explanation of why you are unable to commit to the original deadline, and together will figure out a plan to help you meet the expectations of the course.

  • Side Note for missing deadlines- understand that when you make the choice of extending a deadline for major projects that require peer review, you will miss out on receiving constructive feedback from your peers to your developing project and there is a possibility that it will take longer for you to get feedback from me depending on my workload too; therefore, please be considerate of your peers and your teacher’s time as we all have deadlines we have to meet and our learning is dependent on one another.

What is a complete assignment?

An assignment will be considered “complete” if it meets all of the criteria listed on the assignment sheet/rubric and is turned in on time. To earn a “B” in this class, all of your e-Portfolio Projects must be “complete” after you submit the Final e-Portfolio. In addition, for major assignments a ‘complete’ means you have participated in peer review; that is, you have received feedback from your peers and you have reciprocated feedback to your peers’ developing projects, too.

What is an incomplete assignment?

An assignment will be considered “incomplete” if it does not meet all the criteria listed on the assignment sheet. If you receive an “incomplete” on an e-Portfolio Project, you will have the opportunity to revise for a “complete” in your Final e-Portfolio; however, there must be evidence of substantive revision, reflection, and effort. To earn a “B” in this class, you cannot have any “incomplete” e-Portfolio Projects after you submit your Final e-Portfolio.

Attendance & Participation Policy

Attendance is not marked by your body being in a class, but rather by your participation within the class activities.

Here's the brief "rules" we'll follow to guide participation:

  • Our modules officially open on Mondays (each unit is one-two weeks long). Schedule 1 hour each Monday to log in, review the module and assignments, take note of due dates, and plan your week.

  • Check-in and interact in the course as often as you need to complete course reading and activities.

  • Participate in all discussions--the first reply each week is due on a Friday of the first week of a unit, and replies are due Sunday.

  • If you know you will be away from the course for more than a few days, connect with me in advance so I am aware of your plans.

Online Etiquette -- let's be collegial, ok?

Often referred to as "netiquette," here is a gentle reminder of the interaction practices and rules we'll follow in all our interactions in this course.

If you ever feel that someone is not following these rules, please send an email to me using the Canvas Inbox and describe your concerns.

View a text-only version of The Core Rules of Netiquette in a new window.

Student CRC Honor Code

Students should understand that Cosumnes River College (CRC) values academic integrity. Academic integrity requires:

Honesty, which means:

  • A commitment to truthfulness

  • The refusal to steal or mislead, cheat or plagiarize

Fairness, which means:

  • The willingness to treat others as I would wish to be treated upon careful consideration

Respect, which means valuing, in attitude and practice:

  • All human beings

  • Myself

  • My community at CRC and beyond

Responsibility, which means:

  • Recognizing that the quality of a CRC education and the quality of the CRC student experience depend upon my behavior

  • Accepting, at all times, the consequences of my actions

Academic Integrity and Responsibility

Academic integrity and responsibility mean acting honestly, conscientiously, and honorably in all academic endeavors. Students are accountable for all that they say and write. Since trust is the foundation of an intellectual community, and since student work is the basis for instructors to evaluate student performance in courses, students should not misrepresent their work nor give or receive unauthorized assistance.


The word plagiarism comes from the Latin word "plagiarius," meaning kidnapper. Plagiarism is generally the taking of words, sentences, organization, and ideas from another source without acknowledging that source.

Plagiarism may include:

  • Submitting papers, examinations, or assignments written/completed entirely or in part by others

  • Directly copying portions of another's work without enclosing the copied passage in quotation marks for written work or without citing appropriately in an oral presentation and without acknowledging the source in the appropriate scholarly convention whether the work is presented in written or oral form

  • Using a unique term or concept without acknowledging the source

  • Paraphrasing or summarizing a source's ideas without acknowledging the source

  • Replicating a visual presentation, representation, or performance without acknowledging the source


Cheating is similar to plagiarism in that it involves representing another's work as one's own. However, cheating often involves more overtly deceptive or fraudulent acts of academic dishonesty designed to gain credit for academic work that is not one's own.

Cheating may include:

  • Giving or receiving unauthorized assistance during an examination

  • Fabricating or altering a source of data in a laboratory or experiment

  • Collaborating with others when collaboration is not permitted, or when the contributions of others are not made clear

  • Using unauthorized materials or aids during an examination, including calculators, dictionaries, or information accessed via any electronic devices

  • Acquiring, without permission, tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the college faculty or staff