Literacy Blog Reflections

Literacy Blog Reflection allows you as a reader to share your thoughts, insights or ideas from a writers perspective. Below are my Literacy Blog Reflections from texts I have read so far, and how this has contributed to the development of my skills to properly analyze, reflect on and sumarize texts, and also understand context behind an author's writing. 

Literacy Blog Reflection 1 Melzer (2020)

Literacy Blog Reflection 1

(Understanding Discourse Communities by Dan Melzer) Reading about this text helped me understand discourse communities and how genre and culture norms play a major role in discourse communities. 

Bunn (2011) Literacy Blog Reflection

Literacy Blog Reflection 2

(How To Read Like A Writer by Bunn) 

Reading about this text makes it clear that there is a purpose or goal behind every genre of writing. Being able to read like a writer would not only reveal that goal or purpose but also prepare us to be better writers. 

Literacy Blog Reflection 3: How to Tame a Wild Tongue by Gloria Anzaldua

Literacy Blog Reflection 3

(How To Tame A Wild Tongue by Gloria Anzaldua)  The significance of the topic being discussed is the relationship between language and identity, especially for Chicanos living in the United States. The author discusses the struggles and conflicts that arise when individuals speak a language that is not considered the standard language of their environment. 

Teachers Comment

Emmanuel, Well done at summarizing the text and unpacking the significance of the quotes you discussed. I appreciate your final thoughts, synthesizing and applying the overall meaning and message of the author to yourself. Keep up the good work, FR

- Fairuze Ramirez

From Honor and Shame - Lila Abu Lughood

Literacy Blog Reflection 4

(From Honor to Shame by Lil Abu Lug hood) From this text, I learned about the complicated relationship between tradition and modernity in the lives of Bedouin women, celebrating their perseverance and flexibility in the face of changing societal standards and expectations.