Major Projects

This page contains all revised and finished versions of my major projects on Engwr 300/80 including reviews from my peers who participated.

UNIT1: Literacy Narrative 

1st Draft The Who Am I Literacy Narrative 1st Draft

Literacy Narrative Draft 1

Here is my Literacy Narrative essay which reflects on my first job in the United States and how it helped me improve in my reading, writing & speaking skills.

Enlish 80: Peer Review

Getting feedback from my peers who also participated in the essay. I am able to understand how to write better after reading this feedback.

Revision Plan Literacy Narrative

Revision Plan For Major Project 1

Revision Plan for Literacy Narrative 

On this revision plan, I state the ways in which I plan to make my essay better based on feedback from peer review and outside information presented by my professor. 

Major Project 1 The Who Am I Literacy Narrative Final Draft

Final Draft for Literacy Narrative

On the final draft of my Literacy Narrative Essay titled: "My First Job in the U.S & How it Helped Me Develop" I share my experience on my first job in the United States & how it played a role in the development of my reading, writing & speaking skills.  My final draft reflects on how I integrated feedback given by my peers and professor.

UNIT 2: Media Critical Discourse Analysis

Major Project II 1st Draft

Draft 1: Intro & First Body Paragraph 

Here is my first draft on the introduction and first body paragraph for Major Project II. 

English 80: Peer Review 1

I received feedback from my peers and outside resources on ways to write a proper Introduction & first body paragraph on peer review

Revision Plan for Media Critical Discourse Analysis Essay

Major proj 2 revision plan 1

Revision Plan 1: Media Critical Discourse Analysis

On this revision plan, I expressed ways in which I will revise my essay & make my essay better. 

Draft 2 Major Project II Draft 2

Draft 2: Intro, Body & Conclusion

On this draft, I synthesized further for my audience to understand my essay a lot better. I also made connections from my essay with real world lived experiences to relate more to the prompt.

English 80: Peer Review 2

Getting feedback from my peers and outside resources on the remaining paragraphs of my essay and conclusion. This feedback gives me the information I need to finalize my essay in a constructive way. 

Revision Plan 2 For Media Critical Discourse Analysis Essay

Revision Plan

Revision Plan 2

On this revision plan, I reflect on my general essay and adjust my grammar. I also reflect on my thesis and synthesized a lot more on my conclusion.

Revised Major Project II Revised

Media Critical Discourse Analysis Final Draft

Finally!!! I conclude my essay, integrating all the feedback I received from both my peers and outside resource. This version of my essay has both the thesis, body paragraphs & conclusion properly analyzed and synthesized. 

UNIT 3: [Part 1] Annotated Bibliography 


Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and other sources, each accompanied by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph, known as an annotation. In my annotated bibliography, I explore the rise of vape addiction in teenagers, dangers and how to overcome addiction. 

REsearch thinking chart

Research Thinking Tool Handout

This chart was assigned by my professor to provoke critical thinking on a research topic chosen by me. This also helps me expand on my topic, research on it and have a guide on discussing my topic from information gathered from my sources. 

UNIT 3: [Part 2] Podcast Script Outline

F-Ramirez Podcast Script Outline Formula

Podcast Script Outline

A podcast outline is a structured plan that provides a road map for the content and flow of a podcast episode. It serves as a guide for the host or hosts, helping them organize their thoughts, key points, and any additional elements they want to include in the episode. In my podcast outline, I dive more into the dangers of vaping in teenagers and ways to overcome addiction. 

Peer Review For Podcast Script Outline

English 80: Peer Review 

On this peer review, I received feedback from my peers on my podcast outline and integrated it to make my work better. 

Revision Plan For Podcast Script Outline

Revision Plan For Podcast Outline

Revision Plan: Podcast Script Outline

On this revision plan, I expressed ways in which I will revise my outline & make my essay better. 

UNIT 3: [Part 3] Podcast 

Hawks Inform Episode 11 Podcast

On this podcast I explore the increasing number of teenagers addicted to vape, dangers and long term effects of vaping E-cigarettes. I also integrated a podcast from a professor in psychiatry "Suchitra Krishman Sarin" who discusses the dangers of addiction in teenagers. 

Teachers Comment 


This was well done! Bravo!👏🏼 I will definitely be asking you to consider licensing your work, if your open to it. 
