English Composition

Fairuze Ahmed Ramirez

As a participant in the 2023-24 Open For Anti Racism Program, my cohort team and I all wrote anti-racist action plans, after we collectively explored how open pedagogy and open educational resources can support anti-racist and inclusive teaching practices. I was personally interested in implementing a research project that fostered students' abilities to investigate the following: 

In this landing page, you will find my google slides introducing how my teaching methods and instruction supported students' learning for our research and mass communications unit in various modes like google slides and a talk contextualizing my methods. It is important to mention, before students conducted research on their topics, they first had to complete a module dedicated to media and information literacy. For instance, students engaged with videos and canvas pages that supported their understanding of cognitive and confirmation bias, and they participated in discussions about how our biases inform how we interact and consume texts--thus influencing deeply held beliefs about current or historical topics. Further, in our previous units, we read and discussed what is critical analysis, and students had many opportunities to distinguish and compose summary, analysis, and synthesis writing. In the google slides below, I tried my best to simplify how I implemented my OFAR action plan through the scaffolding of small low stakes assignments. In addition, below you will also find the prompts for the solidarity project and the readings I used to support students' understanding of qualitative research and how to conduct interviews keeping in mind ethical considerations.  Further, you will also find how I modeled conducting an oral history interview with my colleague and team lead, Greg Breyer--all to set students up for success on our Solidarity Project. 

Open For Anti Racism Showcase Students' Learning Process

Research Scaffolding Before I introduced the Solidarity Project, students participated in learning activities about Media and Information Literacy and How to Develop Research Questions. Faculty with existing accounts or would like to create an account with Canvas Learning Management System click Log In to Canvas  to be able to access open access creative commons pages that you can easily add to your existing canvas course shells. For instance, if you are interested in including a module for information literacy these two pages are shared by me:

The Order of My Teaching Methods for The Solidarity Project:

Teaching Guide and Extra Prompts for Scaffolding:

Oral History Interviewing with Purpose and Critical Awareness.pdf

Guided Comprehension Questions for Students:

This handbook addresses "major issues that emerge are those of understanding the purpose of power structures in participants’ lives, arts-based approaches to oral history aware of transdisciplinary and developing critical consciousness or awareness of one’s place in societal structures. Possibilities are endless in terms of using digital techniques and arts-based techniques for data presentation, data analysis, and dissemination. The power of oral history is the power of storytelling. By using current technology and working in a transdisciplinary context, oral history may now be more readily accessible and available to a wider population, thus moving toward a critical social consciousness"- as cited in the Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research (2020).

The Influence of Power Shifts in Data Collection and Analysis Sta (1).pdf

Guided Comprehension Questions for Students:

Feel Free to View and Share Students' Open-Licensed Intellectual Works to Improve Effective Teaching and Learning