American River College

Student Learning Outcomes Assessment


The faculty's continuous review of student achievement of course SLOs is documented using the Authentic Assessment Review Record (AARR), which involves a review of student work demonstrating achievement of the course SLO. Faculty record student achievement for a randomly assigned course SLO based on one or more authentic assessments that they regularly perform in their classes. The aggregated results are then reviewed annually as part of Annual Unit Planning, in which the results serve as the basis for actions and, if applicable, resource allocation, and are aligned with college goals and objectives.

An analysis of AARR results from 2017-2018 are shown below:

The chart above shows that students met faculty expectations for student learning for the vast majority of SLOs assessed and reported via the AARR. Specifically, after reviewing student work, faculty reported that “All or Most Students” or “More than half of students” met faculty expectations for learning, for 426 out of 438 randomly sampled SLOs in 2017-2018, a 97.2% SLO achievement rate.


Student learning outcomes are established for virtually every program offered at American River college. These outcomes can be found in the SOCRATES curriculum management system and the college catalog.

Currently, assessment of program level SLOs relies on the established model of course-level SLO assessment using the AARR. This strategy is supported by the Curriculum Committee's diligent review of each program's required courses, which includes a requirement that all program SLOs explicitly map to (i.e. are clearly supported by) one or more of the required courses for a degree or a certificate requiring 6 or more units. These SLO program mapping matrices are completed by departments and are reviewed by the members of the SLO Assessment and Curriculum committees when they are initially completed. They are updated every seven years when the department participates in program review.

ARC published results