welcome to english 10!

Important Notice:

To access distance learning materials on my website please visit the Distance Learning Materials link at the top of this page.

Students can also access online learning materials on their Schoology sites.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions as we navigate this unusual school year. I will be checking my email frequently! My contact information is listed below.

Contact information

Please feel free to call between 3:30pm and 4:30pm on weekdays. Otherwise, I can always be reached by email and will usually respond within 24 hours.

Email: edberg.fiona@apps.fairmont.k12.mn.us

Phone: 507-238-4411

Room: E136


7:30-8:15: Student Work Time

Period 1: English 10

Period 2: Preparation Period

Period 3: English 10

Period 4: Study Hall

Period 5: English 10

Period 6: English 10

Period 7: English 10

3:15-3:45: Student Work Time


If you know you will be absent ahead of time, please let me know as soon as possible and seek out the materials you may need for the week.

If you have an unplanned absence, please check in with me when you return to school regarding any make-up work you need to complete. In the meantime, if you are able to work from home you will find all necessary materials on your Schoology page.

In the event that you need to do distance learning please get in touch with me immediately so you are prepared!

Remember that it is your responsibility to contact me about work you've missed. I can always be reached by email if you have questions while you are gone.

Grading & skyward

You will find specific information about grading listed in the English 10 syllabus.

Skyward will be updated weekly with current assessment data.

If you see a * listed in Skyward, this indicates that an assignment grade has not yet been entered, or that the assignment is missing.