Leader in Me FAQs

Leader in Me FAQs

Creek Valley Elementary has incorporated the Leader in Me program as part of our school-wide student engagement work since 2014. As this program may be new to some of you, we have created the following FAQ to help answer some of the questions you may have.

Q: What is the Leader in Me?

A: “The Leader in Me is a school transformation process based on the work of Franklin Covey. Just as Covey developed a framework for adults (7 Habits of Highly Successful People), so too The Leader in Me has a framework for student development. The focus of the program is to build in students leadership and life skills (sometimes referred to as 21st Century skills) so as to create a culture throughout the school that builds on student empowerment and engagement. At the core of the program is the central belief that every child has the potential and ability to be a leader.

Q: How long has Creek Valley been using the Leader in Me (LIM) program?

A: While we have always focused on ways to build engagement and leadership with student, Creek Valley implemented LIM in 2014-2015.

Q: Do other EPS schools use LIM?

A: Currently, Creek Valley is the only school implementing LIM. However, each EPS elementary school has their own strategic goals and plans, some formalized like LIM and others more informal, that are focused on building student engagement that meet the unique needs of its student, staff and family population.

Q: Why did Creek Valley select LIM as its student engagement program?

A: Creek Valley teachers have been expressing an interest for many years to find strategies that better address how to teach those ‘soft skills’ and prepare students for the next level. It is important to note, however, that contrary to the label, these skills are in no way “soft” or not necessary to success. Skill development in leadership, communication, problem-solving and collaboration are essential to success in school and life. Growing responsible and ethical people is hard and important work. The seven habits of LIM provide a common language for our staff and students and provide an intentional focus on these skills. To help evaluate the effectiveness of LIM, Creek Valley has included in our annual building goals improvement measures of student engagement and leadership, which also align with the district’s Educational Competencies.

Q: What are the 7 Habits of the Leader in Me program?

A: 1. Be proactive

2. Begin with the end in mind

3. Put first things first

4. Think win-win

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood

6. Synergize

7. Sharpen the saw

Q: How is the Leader in Me funded?

A: The seed money for implementation of the LIM was funded by grants from the Creek Valley

PTA, the Edina Education Fund, and other donors (e.g., Target’s Take Charge of Education). We have also used some of our building staff development dollars to support professional development and teacher training. Ongoing program costs are covered with donations and we continue to seek grant monies.

Q: What do the ongoing costs include?

A: The annual program costs include on-line resources, licensure for the schools, and consumable student activity books.

Q: Are the annual costs comprehensive or can we select which we want to pay for?

A: There are a variety of packages from which schools can choose to participate in LIM. Optional costs that we are not currently choosing include staff training provided by a consultant and coaching. CV uses our own staff for these professional development options.

Q: Why weren’t LIM funds used on other things such as staffing?

A: As you may know, school budgets are complex, with many funds having restrictions on how they can be used. Similarly, we have rules and regulations about how certain items can be funded. For example, district policy has limits on staffing positions funded by outside sources (e.g. PTO) as such grants are not considered sustainable for staffing and often create inequities among buildings. Grant monies from the Ed Fund were specifically requested for the LIM, and we would not have that money if we had not received the grant.

Q: Are there any financial incentives for school staff at LIM schools.

A: No. CV staff do not receive any funds or stipends for implementing and/or promoting LIM.

Q: Is the LIM just putting one more thing on our students and staff?

A: The LIM aligns with our Educational Competencies and our district’s strategic plan to personalize learning experiences for all students. For example, many CV students keep

leadership notebooks. An example of this LIM activity is charting progress toward meeting their individual goals, allowing students to become leaders and take ownership of their learning. LIM also aligns with our Culturally, Linguistic, and Responsive Teaching (CLRT) strategies. We recognize that ‘leadership’ can mean different things. Leaders are not only people

in official leadership positions; leaders can be ‘bystanders’ who challenges rumors or bullies. The important focus of leadership development is to build that capacity and skill set within each student to feel they have the capacity to lead and reach their full potential.

Q: What does the research say about the LIM?

A: In addition to much anecdotal evidence of LIM achievement in schools we have learned from partner schools around the country, HERE is a link to a review of LIM programs conducted by The Warner Center in New York.

Q: In what other ways have things changed at Creek Valley since the LIM was


A: I have seen first hand, since the implementation of the LIM, how opportunities for student leadership have increased. For example:

· All fifth graders have had the opportunity to broadcast our live morning announcements.

· Fifth grade students lead our Pride Day all school assemblies in addition to many younger students participating in other skits and/or announcements.

· Student greeters welcome visitors to special school events.

· Third grade students manage our ‘lost and found’.

· A student leadership team comprised of fourth graders meets periodically to give their input on ways to improve our school.

· Intermediate classrooms (3-5) meet with their buddy classrooms (K-2) from time to time to build community and do special activities together.

· Fewer parent volunteers are needed at our annual field day as the fifth grade students have taken on the responsibility of leading the stations for the youngers students.

· Individual teachers have fostered new leadership roles to take place within their own classrooms.

You will also see and hear common language based on the seven habits of happy kids throughout our school.

Q: How do I learn more about the LIM at Creek Valley?

A: Check out our LIM website on our CV website, and that is also linked in the PFN each week. I encourage you to attend our second annual parent night this coming fall (date TBD). HERE is a link to a story the district did on our annual Leadership Day (December 2015). And HERE is a link to an art sample that highlights the sixth habit, “synergize.” For the most current and first-hand information about LIM at CV, I encourage you to contact me or your child’s teacher.

Q: Where can I find more information about the Leader in Me program?

A: HERE is a link to The Leader in Me website, which has a good FAQ and additional background information.