November/ December

Mindfulness means focusing on the awareness of being present in the moment. Noticing your emotions and physical sensations without judgement as you continue doing what you are doing. You can be mindful as you sit calmly and just breathe, draw, eat, hammock, and so on.

Mindfulness can help decrease stress, improve immune functions (less likely to get sick), improves self-acceptance, strengthens resiliency, helps control negative emotions such as anger, hyperactivity, and increase concentration.

There are always outside factors in your life that you cannot control and that are not your fault. As time continues and things around you change, it is important to take a moment and sit with it. Sit with everything you are feeling. Do not think about a solution or judge it right away, rather take a minute to think about why you feel what you feel. You know yourself best.

Focus on your:

  • Breathing

  • Body's reactions

  • Emotions, feelings, and moods

  • Where your attention is at

  • Your current interactions & environment

Mindfulness Activity: Being aware of your senses & environment

  • 5 things you can see

  • 4 things you can touch

  • 3 things you can hear

  • 2 things you can smell

  • 1 thing you can taste

Mindfulness helps one see what is hurting and helping them. Sometimes we allow the slightest inconvenience interfere with our emotions and we end up reacting in the moment. That being said, it is important to take a moment, step back, and reflect on your emotions, body, and mind. Mindfulness promotes the understanding of one's emotions, the ability of self emotional control, and a deeper sense of knowing what you are capable of.